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 Home > News & Policies > June 2001
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 18, 2001

Text of a Letter from the President to
The Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House Committees
on International Relations and Appropriations
and the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations
and Appropriations
June 18, 2001
Dear Mr. Chairman
(dear Senator
) (dear Representative
Pursuant to Section 559 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, And
Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2000, I Hereby Transmit to You the

final semiannual report concerning the status of Haiti's progress. The report contains eight subsections that provide information required by section 559(b) of the Act.  These subsections address: $    Governmental Institutions Envisioned in the 1987 Haitian Constitution; $    Privatization of Haiti's Major Public Entities; $    Efforts to Re-sign the Lapsed Bilateral Repatriation Agreement, and Cooperation in Halting Illegal Migration; $    Investigation and Prosecution of Extrajudicial and Political Killings, and Cooperation with the United States in Such Investigations; $    Removal and Maintenance of Separation of Human Rights Violators from Haitian Public Security Entities or Units; $    Ratification of the 1997 Maritime Counter-Narcotics Agreement; $    Development of Haiti's Domestic Capacity to Conduct Free, Fair, Democratic, and Administratively Sound Elections; and $    Demonstrated Commitment of Haiti's Minister of Justice to the Professionalism of the Judiciary, and Progress Toward Judicial Branch Independence.                               Sincerely,

                              GEORGE W. BUSH

                                 # # #

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