For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 16, 2001
Press Conference by President Bush
And Russian Federation President Putin
Brdo Castle
Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia
5:30 P.M. (Local)
afternoon. President Putin and I have just concluded two
hours of straightforward and productive meetings. We had a
good discussion of our views of Russian-American relations, and of the
changing world at the beginnings of this new century.
Our countries have common interests and we
share responsibilities. My meeting with President Putin
today is an important step in building a constructive, respectful
relationship with Russia -- a relationship that has the potential to
benefit not only our two countries, but also the world.
Russia is an important country, with vast
potential. When Russia and the United States work together
in a constructive way, we can make the world a safer and more
prosperous place. I enjoyed the opportunity
to meet President Putin in person for the first time. I am
convinced that he and I can build a relationship of mutual respect and
candor. And I'm convinced that it's important for the world
that we do so. More than a decade after the
Cold War ended it is time to move beyond suspicion and towards straight
talk; beyond mutually assured destruction and toward mutually earned
respect. As we work together to address the world as it is,
not as it used to be, it is important that we not only talk
differently, we also must act differently. We
have great opportunities to cooperate on economic, commercial, regional
and security issues. President Putin and I have agreed to
launch an extensive dialogue about a wide range of issues that we can
constructively address together. We also discussed the
importance of sound investment climate to improve Russia's future
economic prosperity. I was so impressed that
he was able to simplify his tax code in Russia, with a flat
tax. I'm not so sure I'll have the same success with our
Congress. We must continue a dialogue, so I'm
prepared to send both Secretary O'Neill and Secretary Evans to Moscow
soon to further our discussions. I want to encourage Russian
and American businesses to become more involved in our discussions, so
that together, we can foster meaningful investments. President Putin
agrees with this approach. And we've agreed
to launch regular detailed and serious consultations on the nature of
our security relationship. I said to President Putin that we
need a new approach for a new era, an approach that protects both our
peoples and strengthens deterrence by exploring and developing our new
attitudes towards defenses and missile defenses. I've
directed Secretary of State Powell and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to
work with their Russian counterparts, to begin discussing a new
security framework. I have invited President
Putin to Washington this fall. He accepted. He invited me
to Russia, and I accepted. And I look forward to the visit.
We also agreed to continue our cooperation and
work toward common solutions on important regional issues, from the
Balkans to Nagorno-Karabakh to Afghanistan. And we discussed
our common interest in developing the energy resources of the Caspian
Basin in a way that benefits all the countries of the region.
Respectful relations require
honesty. And we did discuss areas where my country has
differences with Russia -- over Chechnya, and over media
relations. I also expressed my hope that Russia will develop
constructive relations with its neighbors, like Georgia, that are
trying to find their own way in a challenging, but hopeful world.
This was a very good meeting. And I
look forward to my next meeting with President Putin in
July. I very much enjoyed our time together. He's
an honest, straightforward man who loves his country. He
loves his family. We share a lot of values. I view him as a
remarkable leader. I believe his leadership will serve
Russia well. Russia and America have the opportunity to
accomplish much together; we should seize it. And today, we
have begun. And, finally, I'm especially
pleased we're able to have this meeting in Slovenia, one of the success
stories of Southeast Europe. In my meetings
today with the President and the Prime Minister, I reaffirmed America's
support for Slovenia's integration with Europe and the Euro-Atlantic
community. I especially thank the people of Slovenia, and I
want to thank the leadership for such warm hospitality, and
congratulate the people on the 10th anniversary of its independence on
June the 25th. I only regret not staying long
enough to see Lake Bled or to climb Mount Triglav. Who
knows, maybe I'll have the opportunity down the road.
Mr. President.
PRESIDENT PUTIN: First of all, I wanted to confirm
everything that's been said by President Bush when he characterized our
meeting. I could even add that I was counting on an open,
frank dialogue, confidential dialogue. But in this regard,
as they say in cases like this, reality was a lot bigger than
expectations. Because this was not only a confidential
discussion, but all the way to more than what you could expect from
frankness, because President Bush, as a person who has studied history,
proposed a very global, wide-scale approach and view to
history. And it was very interesting and positive.
We sat, talked about the past, about the
present, about the future of our countries and about the development of
the situation in the world for many years into the
future. This was really a very interesting discussion. I
think that we found a good basis to start building on our cooperation.
We're counting on a pragmatic relationship between Russia and the
United States. We compared our approaches in
key areas. And, once again, we established our common
ground. I want to return now to what the President said very
recently -- that Russia and the United States are not enemies, they do
not threaten each other, and they could be fully good
allies. And taking into account the fact that the United
States and the Russian Federation, as no one else, as no other country
of the world, have accumulated huge amounts of nuclear weapons, weapons
of mass destruction, we bear a special responsibility for maintaining
the common peace and security in the world, for building a new
architecture of security in the world. All of
this presupposes a very close cooperation for strengthening security in
the 21st century. And saying this, any unilateral actions
can only make more complicated various problems and issues.
One of the central topics of our discussion
was the strengthening of strategic stability. We exchanged
our views on our approaches. It was very important for me to
hear how and what the President of the United States thinks, and to
hear directly from him. In turn, naturally, I
expressed the approaches of Russia in this sphere. The
differences in approaches do exist and, naturally, in one short moment
it's impossible to overcome all of them. But I am convinced
that ahead of us we have a constructive dialogue and the will to talk
about these topics, to discuss, to hear, to listen -- to listen and to
hear each other. And to my mind, this is very important.
The President and I have agreed that we're
going to tell our Ministers of Defense, Secretaries of Defense, Foreign
Ministers, to continue in this vein, to continue this discussion,
without any pauses. Of course, we discussed
some very difficult regional issues -- the Near East and Afghanistan
and the Balkans. I have to say that this discussion showed
that the differences in our approaches in the very fundamental areas
are much less than that which unites us. The differences in
our positions, positions of the two countries, really are not of a
fundamental nature, a global nature, something which cannot be solved
-- not at all. I think that it would be very incorrect for
us to start forcing out issues and arguments, and not take into account
the very fundamental, main concepts and issues in our relationship,
which are the basis and the whole foundation of the relationship
between the Russian Federation and the United States of America.
The President and I are united in saying that
the economic ties between our two countries do not correspond to the
potential of our two countries. The government of the
Russian Federation, businessmen of both countries and the U.S.
administration of course can do a lot more to support the effectiveness
of our economic ties. And the President expressed that we
need an additional impulse from our businessmen, that we will do
everything possible to receive a very high-level business delegation of
the United States to Russia; moreover, especially if it is headed by
one of the senior officials of the U.S. administration.
Here there are a lot of very specific
issues. We talked about energy resources; we talked about
using the Caspian Basin. You know, very soon the new
pipeline system is going to go into effect, which is going to be
transporting energy resources from the Caspian region through Novie
Russkie. And this is a joint project of two companies,
Russian and American companies. I'm sure that this will not
be the last such project. I want to stress
here that the issues that were discussed at Ljubljana are going to be
the subject of our continuing dialogue. And we really, in
fact, did agree that we're going to talk in Genoa, we're going to talk
in Shanghai at the APEC Conference. And I'm very grateful to the
President of the United States for inviting me to the United
States. I would do it with great pleasure, especially
because he invited to have me over at his ranch. And I'm going to
receive him in my own home, not just in Russia, but in my own home.
And the last. In the last few
months, and at the very threshold of our meeting, there was a lot of
discussion about the fact the U.S.-Russian relations are overburdened
by problems and issues that are somehow reaching a critical
stage. I think the very nature and the result of our
discussion today between myself and the President of the United States
will put an end to all of these rumors. We see very clearly
a very prospect of our relationship in the future. And we
are all geared up to work in the future constructively, pragmatically,
and to establish very good, predictable relationship.
And, of course, I cannot but say the very
highest about the hospitality of our hosts, who provided us with all
the conditions necessary for holding this very good meeting -- good,
moral atmosphere. Thank you. Thank you ever so much.
MODERATOR: Dear colleagues, we have
said that we're going to give the first opportunity to ask a question
to journalists from Slovenia, please.
PRESIDENT BUSH: I don't think the interpreter could have
done it in English, but anyway, go ahead.
Q On the next summit in Prague, where, according
to Lord Robertson, enlargement will happen, and what is the Russian
position on enlargement? PRESIDENT
BUSH: I went to my first NATO summit, and there appears to
be a uniform desire to expand NATO. This is certainly the
position of my country. But as I reminded the leaders today,
that there is a process, and the countries must work toward that
process. I am impressed by the progress being made in this
country, and we will take that under consideration when we meet in
Prague a year from this fall.
Q A question for you, Mr.
Putin. You're leaving from Slovenia, straight to
Belgrade. Do you have any concrete solutions for the Balkan
understand you, what you have in mind is the situation in the region.
Yes, it's working. It's
working. It's good to have dealings with effective people
that make things work. As I understand it,
what you have in mind is the overall situation in the Balkans,
right? Macedonia, Kosovo, et cetera, right? Well,
we do have our own idea, vision of what's happening here and how we
should act. Today we did discuss with the
President of the United States, Mr. Bush. The most
important things that we have to really pay attention to is to put an
effective block, an end to any kind of extremism and feelings of
intolerance -- religious intolerance. People who are trying
to solve, no matter how complex an issue of national or ethnic or
religious conflict -- weapons simply are not those kinds of things
which can solve these problems. In some of
the countries of the former Soviet Union, for instance -- you probably
know, we talk about this very often -- in the Baltic states, for
instance, we feel that human rights are damaged, especially of the
ethnic Russian populations. In Latvia, for instance, 40
percent of the population is Russian-speaking -- a huge number of
non-citizens -- in other words, people who can't even get
citizenship. We don't send weapons there. We don't support
those people. We don't call it terrorism. We
don't try to get people to rise up on the basis of national or ethnic
origin or religious feelings. We don't encourage people to
take up arms to fight against it. I stress
against, and I insist that people who try to do this do not deserve the
support of the international community. But, on the
contrary, the international community must say once and for all,
everybody who does this will receive -- answer. These things
can only be solved through negotiations. This is a very
difficult process, it requires patience, but there is no other way.
Q A question to both of
you, if I may. President Putin, President Bush has said that
he's going to go forward with his missile defense plans basically with
or without your blessing. Are you unyielding in your opposition to his
missile defense plan? Is there anything you can do to stop
it? And to President Bush. Did
President Putin ease your concern at all about the spread of nuclear
technologies by Russia, and is this a man that Americans can trust?
you want to go first? PRESIDENT
PUTIN: Now, as far as the issue of antimissile defense, the
official position of the Russian government is known. I
don't think we need to spend time to yet again declare
it. We proceed from the idea that the 1972 ABM Treaty is the
cornerstone of the modern architecture of international
security. We proceed from the premise that there are
elements which unite us with our partners in the United States.
When we hear about things like concerns of the
future and about threats from the future, we do agree that together, we
have to sit down and have a good think about this. But we
proceed from the idea that these concerns and threats are different
kinds of things. Threats have to be defined. We
have to look at where they come from and then make some decisions as to
how we have to counter them. We feel that we
can do it best together. Based upon today's dialogue, I've
come to the conclusion, and the impression, that we might have a very
constructive development here in this arena; at least the President of
the United States listened carefully. He listens to our
arguments very carefully. But I think the specialists, as I
have said before, have to sit down, have contact to identify the
overall platform that we're going to work from, and try to find a way
together to solve these problems. Now, as far
as the issues of proliferation and nonproliferation, I have to say that
in our opinion, this is a topic that's very, very closely tied to the
ABM Treaty, because many other things are hooked onto this same string,
and many threshold states, when it comes to the destruction of a
previous accord, can only be happy and say, look,
fantastic. Yesterday, we were threshold, nobody agreed --
nobody took any account of us; now, today, recognize
us. This is a problem we're going to have to really think
very hard about. Can we trust
Russia? I'm not going to answer that. I could ask
the very same question. PRESIDENT
BUSH: I will answer the question. I looked the
man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and
trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was
able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country
and the best interests of his country. And I appreciated so
very much the frank dialogue. There was no
kind of diplomatic chit-chat, trying to throw each other off
balance. There was a straightforward
dialogue. And that's the beginning of a very constructive
relationship. I wouldn't have invited him to my ranch if I
didn't trust him. (Laughter.)
Secondly, I appreciate the opportunity to be able to talk about a new
relationship, and we will continue these dialogues. The
basis for my discussion began with this simple premise: that
Russia and the United States must establish a new relationship beyond
that of the old Cold War mentality. The Cold War said loud
and clear that we're opponents and that we bring the peace through
ability for each of us to destroy each other.
Friends don't destroy each other. People who cooperate do
not have a basis of peace on destruction. Our nations are
confronted with new threats in the 21st century. Terror in
the hands of what we call rogue nations is a threat. I
expressed my concern, and so did the President, very openly, about
nations on his border and nations that can't stand America's freedoms
developing the capacity to hold each of us hostage. And he
agreed. I brought up concerns about
Iran. And I'm hesitant to put words in the President's
mouth, but he said he's concerned, as well -- I think that accurately
categorizes your position -- and we'll work together to stop the spread
of weapons of mass destruction. And I believe as we go down
the road that we'll be able to develop a constructive relationship as
to how to use our technologies and research and willingness to keep the
peace, in a way that makes the world more peaceful.
I was so pleased that we were able to begin
constructive, real dialogue between our Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld
and Mr. Andrei Ivanov. These will be fruitful discussions, and I
believe what people will see is a strategy, a joint
strategy. The President's a history major, and so am I. And
we remember the old history. It's time to write new history,
in a positive and constructive way.
Q This is a question to both Presidents, if you
allow. Mr. Bush, you partially answered -- you talked about
issues of strategic security, you talked about the
future. In this connection, could you tell us anything about
what you talked about in the expansion of NATO? Thank you.
PRESIDENT BUSH: -- to expand, so
long as nations met their obligations and fulfilled their -- met what's
called the MAP process. I said yesterday in Poland, I felt
like a secure border for Russia, a border with safe and friendly
nations, is positive. And I expressed my government's
position very plainly. And the President, of course, had a
reaction, which I'm sure he'll give you right now.
I thought he was going to give it to you right
now. (Laughter.) PRESIDENT
PUTIN: Yes, I'm going to lay it out for you. I'm
going to lay it out for you. Look, I'm going to read to you
something which was recently de-classified. Speaking for
myself -- look this was printed a while back, but there's a document --
attached addendum documents which were secret. Copy
declassified. It was top secret. Look, here it
is. This is a note of the Soviet government from 1954, sent to the
countries of NATO. Here's what it says: The
leadership, holding to its inalienable policy and taking into account
all the tensions, this Soviet government announces its intention to
enter into discussions with NATO countries about its participation in
NATO, with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
And this was the answer -- look, here's the
answer: the Soviet government proposed -- they were talking
about the widening of the NATO pact and what they're going to do about
bringing the Soviet Union in. There is no need to stress the
completely unrealistic nature of such a proposal from the Soviet
Union. That's the answer that NATO gave.
So what we're talking about here, you remember
about a year ago I think somebody asked a question about, what's your
attitude, is it possible that Russia is going to join in NATO or
not. I said, why not? And right away, Mrs.
Albright, former Secretary of State -- she was some place on a trip to
Europe -- she said, look, we're not talking about this right now.
Look, you understand that our attitude toward
NATO was not one toward an enemy organization; of course
not. And I'm very grateful to the President of the United
States that finally, from the territory of the United States, these
words were heard. This is very important for
us. We value this. When a President of a great
power says that he wants to see Russia as a partner, and maybe even as
an ally, this is worth so much to us. But if
that's the case, then, look, we ask ourselves a question: Look, this
is a military organization. Yes, it's
military. They don't want us there, they don't want us
there. It's moving towards our border. Yes, it's moving
towards our border. Why? So this
is the foundation of all our concerns. Not just to bring it
in, or not bring it in, or accept NATO or not accept
NATO. Look, the positive feeling that we now have developed
today with President Bush, this could be a separate subject of
discussion. Because you know Russia is cooperating with
NATO, we have an agreement; we have association; we have various
accords and treaties -- and there's no need to fire up this whole
situation. Q Mr.
President, did you offer President Putin any inducements in this
conversation to ease his opposition to a U.S. missile defense plan?
And, President Putin, to follow up on your
comments just now, does the simple fact of President Bush saying that
Russia is not an enemy actually change your strategic or military
offered something: Logic. And a hopeful
tomorrow. I offered the opportunity, which the President is going to
seize, for us, as leaders of great powers, to work together.
We have a unique opportunity to address the
true threats of the 21st century -- together. We have a
great moment during our tenures to cast aside the suspicions and doubts
that used to plague our nations. And I'm committed to do
so. I said in Poland, and I'll say it
again: Russia is not the enemy of the United
States. As a matter of fact, after our meeting today, I'm
convinced it can be a strong partner and friend; more so than people
could imagine. The leader of Russia is
working hard on behalf of his people to promote prosperity and
peace. And I believe our nations can work together to
achieve prosperity and peace not only within our respective countries,
but around the world. I believe that.
And so we didn't have a bargaining
session. We had a session of two men who have come to office
for the right purpose: not only to represent our countries,
but given our standing, our respective standings, to work
together to deal with the threats of the 21st century: A
threat of the 21st century is energy. A threat of the 21st
century is poverty. A threat of the 21st century is the
spread of weapons of mass destruction. And as
the President said to me clearly, he said that, you're not the only
nation that cares about weapons of mass destruction; we
care. And we have an opportunity to do that. We
have an opportunity to reject extremists that could threaten our
respective nations and respect our -- and threaten our
alliances. And we will do so. We will do so.
And today has been a very constructive
day. Everybody is trying to read body language -- mark me
down as very pleased with the progress and the frank
discussion. We will meet again in July, then later in the
fall. Then we'll have the great Crawford, Texas Summit. And
I believe that people who watch carefully our relationship will see
that it grows and emerges. It starts with
trust. Ron asked a great question: can I trust
him? And I can. And from that basis we can begin
a very fruitful relationship.
Q So there were no specific -- that you offered
in this meeting, just logic? PRESIDENT
BUSH: We did not -- well, first of all, our relationship is
larger than just security relationships. It's bigger than
figuring out how to deal with the ABM Treaty, it's much bigger than
that. It deals with two leaders who share values.
The President told me something very
interesting. He said, I read where you named your daughters
after your mother and your mother-in-law. And I said, yes, I'm a great
diplomat, aren't I? (Laughter.) And he said, I
did the same thing. (Laughter.) I said, Mr.
President, you're a fine diplomat, as well. We share our
love for our families. We've got common
interests. And from that basis we will seize the moment to
make a difference in the world. That's why he ran for the
presidency, and it's why I ran for the presidency.
This is not a bargaining
session. The President didn't say, you know, if you do this,
I'll do that. It's bigger than that. It's a
bigger relationship than that, and it's important to understand that.
Q Question on whether
the simple fact of President Bush saying that you are no longer -- the
United States is not your enemy actually changes your military thinking
or your strategic thinking and planning?
PRESIDENT PUTIN: This is not a question; I think this has
become an interview. (Laughter.) But, look,
nonetheless, I'll respond. It's not by accident that I said
that's it's important for us. And it seems to me that if you
start with a mutual understanding that we are partners, that's the way
we're going to move, to try to solve this very important issue.
Look, we didn't just sit down and say that our
specialists are going to meet, and they're going to have an exchange of
views. But we agreed that they're going to discuss very
specific questions which cause concern to both sides. Very
specific items. I'm not prepared right now to get into this
publicly, but we're talking about specifics.
Moreover, I have to say that between Russia and the United States, we
have two protocols that we signed on non-strategic ABM systems -- in
New York, and I think it was in Helsinki. And this, too, is
a subject of very special review. I think the specialists
should define all these things. Again, I define -- I repeat -- define
the threats and those things which just stand in the way; to look at
the power that both countries have to neutralize these
threats. I think we can work out a common approach.
Q To both Presidents,
if you allow. Getting back to trade and economic issues,
ties between our two countries, how soon do you think we can expect a
delegation of American businessmen to Moscow? And do you
have any plans on creating an intergovernmental commission of various
agencies, which could stimulate economic ties between the United States
and Russia? Thank you. PRESIDENT
BUSH: I'll talk to the Secretary of Commerce as soon as I
get back and tell him of our agreement and get him
moving. Sometimes I worry a little bit about
commissions. If commissions exist just to exist, then I
don't think it's fruitful. If commissions exist in order to
stimulate action, then perhaps. Let me say
one other area where the United States is in agreement with
Russia. We think Russia ought to be admitted into the World
Trade Organization. And we'll work toward that
end. The Russian President has expressed a desire to join
the WTO, and I think it makes sense. I think that will help
a lot. And there's a lot of areas in our business
relationships. I reminded the President that
oftentimes, people speak in terms of -- they say Russia is a country of
great resources, only referring to the energy resources, the mining
resources, the timber resources. That's true. But Russia
has got a resource that's invaluable in this new era, and that's
brainpower. Russia's got great mathematicians and engineers
who can just as easily participate in the high-tech world as American
engineers and American mathematicians. And that's an area of
great interest to me, and it's an area of great interest to the
President. It's an area where we can begin a fruitful
dialogue. The deployment of capital is
something that's very important to Russia; it's important to our
businessmen. The President understands it's important to
have rule of law, a reasonable tax system, transparency in the
economy. And he's working toward that, and I am
grateful. Our businessmen and our Secretary of Commerce
will hear that when they travel to Russia.
PRESIDENT PUTIN: You know, I agree with the President in
that to overload our relationship by a variety of bureaucratic
structures and organizations, that's not always
justified. The most important thing is to create favorable
conditions for effective work by the business community. We know the
plans of President Bush with respect to his taxation policy and with
respect to other measures which he is planning, with respect to the
economy of the United States. From our part,
we still have to do so much that would make Russia attractive for
foreign investors. Although among international investors,
the Americans are in first place. Naturally, first and
foremost, we have to take care of the issues of the energy problem in
the world at large. American business is showing a great interest in
this sphere. But we also know that President
Bush has plans in the atomic energy field. Here, too, we
think we've got a couple of things we could talk about. We
have a very fruitful area of cooperation we could work
in. We have a number of various structures that are working
very appropriately now in reprocessing uranium. We've got
pretty good cooperation in space now. It seems to me that to a
significant extent, that which exists now, it is functioning very
successfully now. The Space Station, the International Space
Station and the participation of the United States and
Russia. We have so many other areas we'd like to work
in. But when the businessmen come -- that depends, of
course, on the U.S. side -- but we'll receive them at any time that's
appropriate to them. END 6:15 P.M.