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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 25, 2001

Budget and Tax Statement by the President
Little Rock National Airport
Little Rock, Arkansas

6:07 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. It's my honor to be back in Arkansas. It's great to be with my friend, the Governor. We got to know each other when I was the Governor of a neighboring state. I respected him then; I continue to hold him in high regard. Governor Huckabee is one of the more popular governors in the country because he's done in office what he said he would do.

It's also my honor to come to Arkansas to support a good friend of mine and a good friend of Arkansas, Senator Tim Hutchinson. This is my first trip as a -- my first fundraising trip since I became the President. It's the first time I've really gotten what they call "political." And it's for a good cause.

This man has done a really good job for the citizens of Arkansas, and I would like to see him returned to the United States Senate after next year's elections. He and I are working together on a lot of issues that matter to the Arkansas folks. A budget that is good for Arkansas and a tax relief plan that will benefit some 787,000 people who live in this state.

And the budget is focused. We increase a federal education funding from $366 million to $390 million. We increase Head Start funding from $57.4 million to $58.5 million. There's an estimated $379 million targeted for highway funding in Arkansas. This is a responsible budget that leaves room for tax relief, but also focuses on issues that matter to the folks of Arkansas. And coming down on the airplane, he and I spent a lot of time talking about agriculture.

One of the things the Senator talked about was there were a lot of farmers hurting in this state. And I assured him I understood that. And the point I want to make to the people is that when this election comes around in 2002, I hope the people of Arkansas realize how important it is to have a United States Senator who can walk into the Oval Office and say, Mr. President, the people of Arkansas need your attention. And I can assure you, when Tim Hutchinson walks in the Oval Office and says the people of Arkansas need my attention, they're going to get my attention.

And so, it's my honor to be here with this good United States Senator. I urge the people of this state to realize what a good man they've got in office, and I thank the people of this state for the prayers and support they've given me since I've been the President. God bless.

END 6:10 P.M. CDT

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