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Campaign Against Terrorism: A Coalition Update

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4. Legislation and Diplomatic Actions

Countries have reviewed and, where needed, tightened up their laws against international terrorism – an important aspect of the campaign

The Americas






The Netherlands










"The terrorist attacks of September 11th changed the world. Such unforgivable acts challenge the dignity of humanity as a whole. The people of Afghanistan are also victims of the Taliban and al-Qa’ida"

Opening Statement by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan, 21 January 2002



    "Indonesia has always been against violence. Anything that relates to violence, including acts of terrorism, we will definitely be against it."

    Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of Indonesia, 19 September 2001

President Bush and Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri , White House Sept. 19.


The Middle East

Saudi Arabia

President Bush meets with Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal in the Oval Office Sept. 20.

"Combating terrorism is a common global goal for all the countries of the civilized world. Terrorism is against the grain of all religious values and principles especially Islam. It also contradicts the basic human rights of security, peace and international stability."

HRH Saud Al-Faisa, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, 01 Jan 2002



"September 11th tragedy, I think it's very obvious that those that are on the side of good, those that are on the side of bad, and there's some countries in the middle that haven't made up their minds. So I think that the policy of the United States and the rest of us have been to be very clear to everybody on which side you want to choose. And I think the President has been very articulate from the beginning of the 11th of September that there is a new world, there's a new expectation of how countries are supposed to react. And those countries better make up their minds pretty quickly. And I endorse tremendously that view and that position."

King Abdullah 0f Jordan, 01 Feb 2002



"…the Government of Kuwait has taken certain steps to ratify the rest of the international treatment, which had been passed by the United Nations. And it is now in front of the parliament. Among other steps which we have taken, that we have put all the charity organisations in Kuwait under complete control of the financial vehicles of Kuwait, like the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. We never had such kind of tight control, but now every charity activity will be under tight control of the government."

His Excellency Shaykh Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah, Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait, 07 Nov 2001

All around the world counties are uniting by tightening up their legal framework and working together to eradicate international terrorism.

There is still work to do, but Coalition countries are committed to the fight.

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