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President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the White House on his intention to create a cabinet level position for Office of Homeland Security on Thursday June 6, 2002. White House photo by Paul Morse.

Policies in Focus
Department of Homeland Security
The President is proposing to create the Department of Homeland Security. This is the most significant transformation of the U.S. government in over a half-century. The creation of this cabinet-level agency is an important step in the President's national strategy for homeland security. Go to the Homeland Security Portal Page.

Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security
The creation of this department is an important step in the President's national strategy for homeland security

America Responds to Terrorism
Understanding the War on Terrorism at home and abroad

Office of Homeland Security
Coordinating a national strategy against terrorism


National Security

Revitalizing National Defense

Helping Developing Nations
A New Compact for Development

International Trade
Expanding Opportunity

Reforming the Immigration System


Economic Security

Education Reform
Transforming the federal role in education so no child is left behind

A Quality Teacher in Every Classroom
Improving Teacher Quality and Enhancing the Profession

Early Childhood Initiative
"Good Start, Grow Smart"


American Small Businesses
Driving Innovation and Creating Jobs

Economy & Budget
Encouraging economic growth and job creation

Empowering through the New Freedom Initiative

Improving Corporate Responsibility
Protecting America's Shareholders

Protecting our nation's environment

Modernizing and reforming Medicare

Retirement Security
Promoting and Protecting Savings

Social Security
Modernizing Social Security


Public Service
President Launches USA Freedom Corps

Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Rallying the armies of compassion

Health Care
Improving Health Security

Welfare Reform
Working Toward Independence

Ensuring reliable, affordable, and environmentally-sound energy




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