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Excerpt from July 12, 2002 Press Briefing with
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer

Click here for the full transcript

Q: How anxious is the White House to get some kind of bill on corporate governance signed, given the markets seem to be indifferent, at best, to what the president has said so far, and to what lawmakers are talking about?

MR. FLEISCHER: The president, in March, announced his 10-point proposal that began this whole congressional effort. The president is pleased the House responded very quickly, and he's pleased the Senate now has begun to take action.

This is important, and that's why the president proposed it. And that's why the president went to Wall Street and made additional proposals that have now been incorporated into the Senate legislation. And so, the House has passed a tough measure, the Senate is working on a tough measure, and the president looks forward to signing into law a tough measure.

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