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FY 2008 Budget Table of Contents State by State Budget Info

President Bush’s Budget and West Virginia

The President’s 2008 Budget continues the focus on pro-growth policies that have helped fuel our Nation’s strong economic expansion. The President’s tax relief helped generate increased economic activity that resulted in strong job creation and record tax receipts in the last two years, even in the face of historic challenges – the 2001 recession, corporate scandals, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina. Our robust and resilient economy, coupled with disciplined spending restraint, has helped cut the deficit in half three years ahead of schedule and put the budget on a path to balance by 2012.

While working with Congress to successfully reduce the growth in non-security discretionary spending, the President continues to invest in the Nation’s prosperity and security. To keep the economy vibrant, the Budget makes tax relief permanent, and proposes pro-growth policies to improve education, health care, and energy security.

The FY08 Budget also takes steps to improve the budget process, including proposals such as comprehensive earmark reform and a legislative line item veto. Lastly, to tackle the unsustainable growth of entitlement programs, the biggest long-term budget challenge, the Budget will make sensible steps toward reforming these vital entitlement programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, to ensure they are sustainable in the long-term.

Focusing On National Priorities

The 2008 Budget makes necessary investments in the Global War on Terror and homeland security, as well as addresses three key issues that are on the minds of many Americans: the quality and cost of their children’s education, rising health care costs, and our Nation’s dependence on foreign sources of energy from unstable parts of the world.

Budget Items of Interest to West Virginia

President Bush’s Budget Also Includes:

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