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FY 2007 Budget Table of Contents

President Bush’s Budget and Michigan

The President’s 2007 Budget continues the successful pro-growth policies that have encouraged robust economic growth and job creation.  A strong economy, together with spending restraint, is critical to reducing the deficit.  The Budget builds on last year’s successful spending restraint by again holding the growth of overall discretionary spending below inflation, proposing to reduce non-security discretionary spending below the previous year’s level, and calling for the elimination or reduction of programs not getting results or not fulfilling essential priorities. Like last year, the budget proposes savings and reforms to mandatory spending programs, whose unsustainable growth poses the real long-term danger to our fiscal health.

Focusing On National Priorities

The Budget focuses taxpayer resources on National priorities like the War on Terrorism, health care, energy research, and strengthening our global competitiveness through improved math and science education and research.

Budget Items of Special Interest to Michigan

President Bush’s Budget Also Includes:

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