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As of April 1, 2005 the Afghan Children's Fund is no longer accepting contributions. President Bush thanks those among America's youth who participated for their support.

The U.S. Commitment to the Afghan People

President Sends Off Relief Supplies
December 8

The United States is providing historic amounts of humanitarian aid to the Afghan people to help them prepare for the opening of school, and to recover from years of civil war, decades of drought and the effects of terrorist rule.

The Taliban have left the Afghan people without even the most basic infrastructure and health, education, and medical services. President Bush has a comprehensive and compassionate program to bring a brighter future of freedom, hope and opportunity to Afghan families.

While humanitarian relief efforts continue to meet immediate needs, reconstruction activities have begun as well. The government has pledged nearly $300 million in this fiscal year alone to help Afghans with relief and reconstruction in the following areas:


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