All Creatures Gre at and Small
Ground Floor Pet Sculptures
President Lyndon Johnson's two famous beagles, Him and Her, loved to chase balls and race down the halls of the White House. President Johnson also had another dog named Yuki, who liked to perform in the Oval Office. Johnson's daughter Luci found Yuki at a Texas gas station. President Johnson served from 1963 to 1969.
White House photo by Tina Hager
President Lyndon Johnson's two famous beagles, Him and Her, loved to chase balls and race down the halls of the White House. President Johnson also had another dog named Yuki, who liked to perform in the Oval Office. Johnson's daughter Luci found Yuki at a Texas gas station. President Johnson served from 1963 to 1969.
Papier maché models of presidential pets and animals enliven the scene along the Ground Floor Corridor. Liberty gave birth to a litter of eight puppies while she lived at the White House with her owners President Gerald Ford and his wife, Betty. President Ford served from 1974 to 1977.
Millie, the beloved English springer spaniel of President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, and her female puppy, Spot, greet guests along the ground floor corridor of the White House. During Millie's first few months of living in the White House, she gave birth to Spot and five others. Spot grew up in Texas with George W. and Laura Bush and their twin daughters. President George H.W. Bush served from 1989 to 1993. President Lyndon Johnson's two famous beagles, Him and Her, loved to chase balls and race down the halls of the White House. President Johnson also had another dog named Yuki, who liked to perform in the Oval Office. Johnson's daughter Luci found Yuki at a Texas gas station. President Johnson served from 1963 to 1969.
Rob Roy is one of the white collies that belonged to our 30th President, Calvin Coolidge and his wife, Grace. Rob Roy came from a long line of sheep herding dogs and it took quite a bit of coaxing to get him to take his first ride up the elevator to the family floor of the White House. President Coolidge served from 1923 to 1929. The alligator, given to President John Quincy Adams by the Marquis de Lafayette, resided in a bathroom in the East Room for a time. President Adams served from 1825 to 1829.

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