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"An ornament to the city of Washington . . . second in architectural importance and beauty to no building in the United States."
Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, while still under construction ca. 1880s
As an exclusive presentation of, explore the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

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South Wing East Wing North Wing West and Center Wings

The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is located next to the West Wing, and houses a majority of offices for White House staff. Originally built for the State, War and Navy Departments between 1871 and 1888, the EEOB is an impressive building that commands a unique position in both our national history and architectural heritage.

Designed by Supervising Architect of the Treasury Alfred Mullett, the granite, slate and cast iron exterior makes the EEOB one of America's best examples of the French Second Empire style of architecture. It took 17 years for Mullett's masterpiece to finally be completed.

Join us for an online tour of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Visit where visitors once came to see the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and George Washington's sword on display. Come see where the first televised press conference was held, or where President Nixon held his day-to-day working office.




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