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Julie Goon
Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
National Economic Council
Julie L. Goon currently serves as Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in the National Economic Council. In this position, she is responsible for the health care issues that are in the NEC’s portfolio including the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP programs, transparency, health care issues within the tax code including consumer-directed health plans and health savings accounts.
Ms. Goon joined the NEC from the Department of Health and Human Services where she served as Director of Medicare Outreach and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. In this position, she was responsible for ensuring that the campaign to educate Medicare beneficiaries about the expanded benefits and choices under the Medicare Modernization Act was coordinated between the Department, the Administration, the Congress, and external advocacy groups.
Prior to joining HHS, Ms. Goon served as Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the oldest and largest trade association representing the health insurance industry, for over ten years. In this position, she was responsible for AHIP’s Congressional lobbying strategy, grassroots outreach, coalition building and the association’s political activities.
Prior to joining AHIP, Ms. Goon was Director of Federal Relations for Humana Inc. She began working for Humana in 1986 in the Corporate Public Affairs Department in Louisville, KY, and then moved to Washington, DC in 1990 to open Humana’s Washington office.
Ms. Goon also worked for the Colorado Legislative Council, a staff organization for the Colorado General Assembly, from 1982-1986. She graduated from Colorado State University with an honors degree in History, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
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