Your Government
News Archive
September 17, 2008
White House Compassion In Action Roundtable Highlights Public-Private Partnerships To Help New Americans Successfully Assimilate In Communities
August 29, 2008
Compassion in Action Roundtable Highlights State Service Strategies
August 18, 2008
White House and Californiavolunteers Summit Explores Expanded Partnerships to Strengthen California Nonprofits
July 22, 2008
White House Compassion in Action Roundtable Highlights Efforts to Address Needs of our Nation’s Veterans
June 26, 2008
President Bush Attends Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives' National Conference
April 9, 2008
President Bush Signs H.R. 1593, the Second Chance Act of 2007
March 17, 2008
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Director Jay Hein to Lead Delegation to Africa
January 30, 2008
Centers For Faith-Based And Community Initiatives 2008 Spring Training Opportunities
January 29, 2008
FBCI Anniversary Visit: Jericho Prisoner Reentry Program
January 29, 2008
FBCI National Summit on Prisoner Reentry Issues, Los Angeles
January 28, 2008
State of the Union 2008: Helping Those In Need Through The Faith-Based And Community Initiative
January 23, 2008
White House OFBCI Roundtable Highlights Mentoring Issues
November 30, 2007
President Bush Discusses World AIDS Day
November 30, 2007
White House Fact Sheet: World AIDS Day 2007
November 5, 2007
Local and International FBCOs Participate in Indianapolis White House FBCI Conference November 5-6, 2007
November, 2007
Centers For Faith-Based And Community Initiatives 2007 Fall Training Opportunities
November 27, 2007
Los Angeles FBCI Conference Highlights Prisoner Reentry Initiatives
November, 2007
October 24, 2007
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Convenes Compassion in Action Roundtable to Discuss Human Trafficking
August 21, 2007
Faith-Based And Community Initiatives Press Release: August 21, 2007
August 9, 2007
State of Minnesota Hosts Faith-Based And Community Initiatives Conference And Helping America's Youth Conference
August 2, 2007
President Bush Offers Sympathies and Assistance to Minneapolis
July 18, 2007
Secretary Jackson Addresses White House Compassion In Action Roundtable
July 9, 2007 President Highlights FBCOs at Conference of Americas
June 27, 2007 Mrs. Bush Applauds FBCOs Dedicated to Combating Disease in Africa
June 25, 2007
President Lauds SCOTUS Decision Favoring Faith-Based Initiative
April 12, 2007
Mrs. Bush Encourages Mentorship At Minnesota "Helping America's Youth" Conference
March 22, 2007
White House Compassion in Action Roundtable Highlights Efforts to Improve Prisoner Reentry Services