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President George W. Bush visits with teacher Carolyn Davis and her students at Clarke Street Elementary School in Milwaukee, Wis., Wednesday, May 8. "I'm here because this is a great school that believes every child can learn," said President Bush who listened to the students demonstrate their reading drills. During his talk with the children, the President emphasized the importance of reading over watching television. None
George W. Bush's Faith-Based and Community Initiative represents
a fresh start and bold new approach to government's role in
helping those in need. Too often the government has ignored
or impeded the efforts of faith-based and community organizations.
Their compassionate efforts to improve their communities have
been needlessly and improperly inhibited by bureaucratic red
tape and restrictions placed on funding.
The White
House Office and the Centers for the Faith-Based and Community
Initiative -- located in seven Federal agencies -- are working
to support the essential work of these important organizations.
Their goal is to make sure that grassroots leaders can compete
on an equal footing for federal dollars, receive greater
private support, and face fewer bureaucratic barriers.
The Office focuses its efforts on the following populations:
Find federal grant opportunities suitable for faith-based and community organizations, organized by type of service.
FBCI is currently holding a series of White House conferences on the President's initiative. The next conference will be held in San Diego on February 18, 2003, with additional conferences in other cities to follow. Interested faith-based and community groups that want to learn more about President Bush's initiative should be sure to attend.
Grant Opportunities
Find federal grant opportunities suitable for faith-based and community organizations, organized by
type of service.
The President has called on Congress to pass important legislation that increases charitable giving and strengthens faith-based and other neighborhood-serving groups to help them better assist Americans in need.