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U.S. Provides More Than 65 Percent of Total G-7 Assistance to the Developing World

The U.S. contributed almost $254 billion in 2001 to economic development activity throughout the developing world.

  • The U.S. contributed 30 percent of total Official Development Assistance by G-7 countries.
  • The U.S. contributed over 70 percent of aggregate G-7 Net Private Capital Flows, Net Imports, and Private Voluntary Grants to developing countries.
  • The U.S. provided more than $4.6 billion to global peacekeeping in 2001, the highest amount of any country.

Total U.S. assistance, including ODA and other measures of economic engagement, is more than 65 percent of total assistance provided by G-7 countries.

The U.S. ranks first in ODA, private capital flows, imports, grants from NGOs, and total contributions.

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