Visit to the Museum of Mobile 
On Monday, September 15, 2003, Mrs. Bush visited The Museum of Mobile in Mobile, Alabama,
to highlight the Preserve America initiative and launch the Preserve America
Presidential Award and the Preserve America Community application process.
Preserve America is a White House initiative announced by Mrs. Bush on March 3,
2003, to
encourage and support community efforts for the preservation and enjoyment of our priceless
cultural and natural heritage. More information on the Preserve America initiative
can be
found at
During her visit to Mobile, Mrs. Bush commended the residents for their hard work to make
the Azalea City a great place to call home and a great place to visit.
Mobile is the third largest city in the state of Alabama, with a population of 200,000,
eight historic districts, four National Historic Landmarks, and 6,000 properties listed on
the National Register of Historic Places.
Mobile captures the spirit of Preserve America with its inventory of historic
historic archives, several active citizen volunteer programs, guided tours of historic
areas, historic district commission, architectural review board, annual historic
preservation event, and preservation recognition program
Mobile also embodies many of the Preserve America goals, including several recent
public-private partnerships to preserve and enhance the City's historic
resources such as
the conversion of the Old City Hall into The Museum of Mobile.
The Museum of Mobile is a shining example of preserving a historic site for continued
learning and enjoyment. A modern museum housed in the Southern Market/Old City Hall
National Historic Landmark, The Museum of Mobile covers the 300-year history of Mobile,
from native America through the civil rights era to the present day.
Built between 1855 and 1857, the building currently housing The Museum of Mobile originally
served as City Hall, headquarters for some local militia units, and as home of the Southern
Market of Mobile.