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President's HIV/AIDS Initiatives
December 1, 2006
Mark R. Dybul
Thank you very much for joining me on World AIDS Day. This morning, I was at the White House, where President Bush announced the latest results achieved by his Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which has supported antiretroviral drug treatment for over 822,000 people in 15 severely affected countries in the developing world. We've also made exciting progress in the areas of prevention and care. All these results are made possible through the promise of partnerships - supporting nations in developing the capacity that will allow communities to sustain their efforts long after the initial five years of the Emergency Plan. Visit our website for more information on what was announced today. Daniel, from Lakeville, CT
writes: Mark R. Dybul The United States committed approximately $2.4 billion to the Emergency Plan in fiscal year 2004, $2.8 billion in FY05, and $3.2 billion in FY06. To give you a sense of how things have changed, for 2007 alone, the President has requested more than $4 billion - well more than four times what we provided in 2001. The $4 billion includes support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, of which the United States is the largest supporter. With this massive increase in funding, the United States accounts for roughly half of all resources going into the global fight against AIDS. We provide about as much on global HIV/AIDS as the rest of the developed world's governments combined. America has kept its promise, and continues to lead the world in its level of support for effective partnerships against HIV/AIDS. This is a commitment from which the U.S. will not turn away. Adam, from Nebraska writes: Mark R. Dybul Since I've focused on prevention in some previous answers, let me focus on treatment here. Only 50,000 people were receiving treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa when the President announced PEPFAR in 2003. As I mentioned, President Bush announced this morning that the Emergency Plan supported life-saving antiretroviral treatment for approximately 822,000 men, women and children through bilateral programs in the program's 15 focus countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Caribbean as of September 30, 2006. Of PEPFAR's 15 focus countries, 12 are in Africa. The impact of these efforts can be seen in our partner nations. On a recent visit to South Africa, I visited a former hospice where people with AIDS once came to die. It has been converted into a treatment clinic, where people come for medicines that allow them to live. For a growing number, HIV is no longer a death sentence. They call it "the Lazarus effect."
You can find more Stories of Hope about the profound results made possible through partnerships between the American people and the people of the world on our website at Cliff, from Brimfield, Ohio writes: Mark R. Dybul In terms of what your government is doing to keep it on the front burner, today President Bush held an event at the White House, welcoming people from organizations - both here and abroad - that are leaders in the fight against global HIV/AIDS. We're proud to partner with these people. The international theme for World AIDS Day today is "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise," and the United States is doing just that. America followed through on the President's $15 billion commitment and now leads the world in its level of support for the fight against HIV/AIDS thanks to our partnerships around the world. America's partnerships around the world are having dramatic, life-saving results in the fight against AIDS. The statistics announced by the President this morning tell the story. In addition to the treatment results that I noted previously, the Emergency Plan has supported through September 30, 2006: - Prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services for women during more than 6 million pregnancies; - Antiretroviral prophylaxis for women during 533,300 pregnancies; - Prevention of an estimated 101,500 infant infections; - Care for nearly 4.5 million, including care for more than 2 million orphans and vulnerable children; and - 18.7 million counseling and testing sessions for men, women and children. These results could not have been achieved without our friends and partners in host nations, while they may be measured in numbers - what these numbers represent are children, women, and men who are alive today because of the promise of partnerships between the United States and our host nations. Gregory, from Torrance, CA writes: Mark R. Dybul John, from Savannah, GA
writes: Best regards Mark R. Dybul Approximately 3 million people are estimated to have died from AIDS in the past year worldwide, while over 4 million became infected. Since the number becoming newly infected is greater than the number who died, that tells you that the overall number of people living with HIV is growing - and this has been the case for many years. So from that perspective, we - the world - are losing ground. We simply must prevent HIV infection more effectively if we're going to win this fight. At the same time, there is growing reason for hope in the fight against the spread of the virus. As I mentioned in the previous answer, new evidence shows that in additional nations in Africa and the Caribbean, people have changed their behavior to avoid HIV, causing infection rates to drop. As I noted previously, the U.S. Government is supporting the most diverse portfolio of HIV/AIDS prevention strategies of any international partner. At the same time, the number of people in the developing world who are receiving life-saving antiretroviral treatment, and care that helps that stay healthy, is also growing very rapidly. Working in partnership with host nations, we are learning new best practices each day that are benefiting the entire world in the battle against this disease. The U.S. will continue to share and use these lessons to guide our work with partner nations in order to address the ongoing emergency while building capacity for sustainability. Dee, from Oregoncoast community college, LC Oregon writes: Mark R. Dybul
A great example of the promise of partnerships is seen in Côte d'Ivoire. Because of its four year old civil war, mail is not delivered in most of the country, but antiretroviral drugs are becoming increasingly available in rural and rebel-controlled areas. A successful program works through local organizations, such as school groups, village associations, and religious organizations, providing prevention, treatment and care services by empowering local partners to utilize their local knowledge to create community-based solutions. To support these efforts, PEPFAR provides resources, training, and support that will not only address the immediate problem at hand, but also invest in long-term capacity building. The program has had remarkable success in overcoming major barriers to provide HIV/AIDS services and is a great example showcasing the power of partnerships.
georgette, from Wilson,louisiana writes: Mark R. Dybul Yet at the same time, it's also true that through the promise of partnerships between the American people and the people of the world, hope has begun to be reborn. Around the world, partnerships are proving that there is hope of winning this fight - even in the most difficult places. President Bush's announcement of PEPFAR in 2003, it is now clear, marked a turning point in the worldwide response to HIV/AIDS. The Emergency Plan represents historic leadership in terms of financial resources: no nation has ever undertaken a larger international health initiative directed at a single disease. Yet money alone can not defeat HIV/AIDS, or bring about the societal transformation needed in nations devastated by the pandemic. The Emergency Plan thus invests in partnerships with host nations to build locally led HIV prevention, treatment and care strategies. As President Bush put it, "This effort is succeeding because America is providing resources and Africans are providing leadership. Local health officials set the strategy and we're supporting them."
Mark R. Dybul For too many children, education has been a casualty of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. To address this problem, PEPFAR supports programs to assist children to attend school, while also linking with other programs to address difficulties in the educational sector due to HIV/AIDS. For example, in Zambia, I visited Bwafano community-based program in Lusaka. Bwafano, which means "helping one another," has integrated programs for orphans and vulnerable children into the home-based care program. Partnerships between American people and the people of the world, like the partnership with Bwafono, are providing care to millions, including orphans and vulnerable children. As I noted previously, the Emergency Plan had supported care for nearly 4.5 million, including more than 2 million orphans and vulnerable children, through September 30, 2006. PEPFAR also supports HIV prevention education for youth both in-school and out-of-school. On the same trip, I visited Botswana, one of the world's most severely affected nations. There, I visited Mater Spei, a high school run by the Catholic Vicariate of Francistown. Mater Spei was one of the pilot schools for the new PEPFAR-supported Life Skills Materials Curriculum that was developed to support HIV/AIDS education in schools. The materials help teachers discuss life issues important to young Batswana (that's what people in Botswana are called). I visited a class where the students were discussing the "Self-Understanding" chapter of the materials. The spreads life-saving messages about HIV prevention will help the students to protect themselves. Many thanks to everyone for your interest in global HIV/AIDS, and for your observance of World AIDS Day. |
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