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September 1, 2005
Michael Chertoff
Good afternoon. At this time, the federal government is leading one of the largest response mobilizations in United States history to aid those who have had their homes and lives devastated by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and continue to suffer in the aftermath of this storm. We will continue to work vigilantly to ensure that our fellow citizens have the sustained support and necessary aid to recover and reclaim their homes and communities. President Bush has declared major disasters for impacted areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Along with those declarations, the full range of federal resources and capabilities is being directed to assist and protect those citizens who have born the brunt of this catastrophe. At this time we are working closely with state and local authorities to assess damage, identify critical needs, and ensure immediate delivery of supplies, equipment, medical assistance and emergency response personnel to meet those needs. We know people are still suffering, and we are trying to overcome the enormous logistical challenges posed by the hurricane and the extensive flooding. The situation in these areas is still very dangerous and we urge people to heed the advice from local officials. The full range of federal resources and capabilities is being directed to assist and protect those citizens and communities that have been affected as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Reagan, from Raleigh, NC
writes: Michael Chertoff Stephanie, from Maplewood, NJ
writes: Michael Chertoff Obviously, the challenge we face here is extensive. We have done extensive preparation, but there is no way a catastrophic natural event can be minimized. Our people are battling the elements of nature with great courage and determination. As you mentioned, it is important that individuals, families and businesses take action to prepare for emergency situations. Steps such as (1) creating an emergency supply kit or go bag, (2) establishing a family communications plan, and (3) staying informed about potential threats that could impact your community can help individuals be better prepared to respond to a crisis or emergency situation.
September is National Preparedness Month and states across the country are hosting events to encourage citizens and communities to become better prepared. The web site is an excellent resource for additional information about emergency supplies, creating a family plan, learning about natural disasters and other potential threats as well as steps businesses can take to ensure continuity for their operations should disaster strike. Lis, from Melrose, MA
writes: Michael Chertoff FEMA is on the ground closely coordinating with federal, state and local officials, emergency management personnel, and voluntary organizations to maximize response and recovery efforts. Already, more than 50 Disaster Medical Assistance Teams have been deployed to the affected states to support and assist hospitals and medical facilities not fully operational as a result of the hurricane. Urban Search & Rescue Teams are dispatched across the Gulf Coast region and truckloads of supplies including water, ice, meals, medical supplies, generators, tents and tarps are being distributed on the ground and further mobilized to the region.
Over the days and months ahead, DHS will continue to coordinate with our federal partners to ensure necessary assistance is being delivered to assist those recovering from this disaster. Ken, from Arlington, VA
writes: Michael Chertoff Susan, from Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
writes: Michael Chertoff FEMA mobilized resources, pre-positioned equipment, and staged personnel and supplies prior to the impact of the storm to ensure needed assistance and supplies would be quickly available to respond to requests for aid. Emergency supplies including water, ice, MREs (meals-ready-to-eat), tarps and plastic sheeting were pre-staged throughout the Gulf Coast region to ensure immediate deployment to damaged areas. At the end of the day, even though we pre-positioned a massive amount of resources, we have still struggled to deploy these resources due to the incredibly difficult operating environment posed by the hurricane and the massive flooding. This remains one of the largest search and rescue operations in United States history. The U.S. Coast Guard pre-positioned helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft prior to Hurricane Katrinas landfall to support response activities. Since then, the U.S. Coast Guard has rescued nearly 3,000 individuals.
We recognize the need to move fast and we are working tirelessly to get to those in need. Daniel, from Great Barrington, MA
writes: Michael Chertoff Wayne, from Arizona writes: Michael Chertoff
Michael Chertoff |
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