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Welcome to "Ask the White House" -- an online interactive forum where you can submit questions to Administration officials and friends of the White House. Visit the "Ask the White House" archives to read other discussions with White House officials.
January 11, 2005
Chuck Blahous
I'm delighted to have this chance to answer questions about the President's agenda for strengthening Social Security. As you may know, Social Security
is sound for today's seniors, but it must be fixed if it is to be strong for our children and grandchildren. I hope to be able to provide responsive
answers to your questions about the President's plans to accomplish this.
Doris, from Quebec,Canada writes: Chuck Blahous jay, from anchorage writes: Chuck Blahous The value of voluntary choice is something in which the President strongly believes. This also includes the choice not to have a personal account, and to stay entirely within the current Social Security structure. It includes the voluntary choice, through a personal account, to invest in safe, prudent, diversified stock funds, but also the choice not to do so. If we were, as in your question, to require that the payroll taxes each American pays into Social Security be invested in the stock market through the Trust Fund, this would run counter to the President’s belief that we should allow individual workers ownership and choice, giving them a say in how their money is saved and invested.
There are important additional arguments against government-directed investment in the stock market. Historically, when governments have controlled the investment of pension funds in private markets, this has led to investments being steered to political purposes. A system of individually controlled accounts would prevent the political conflicts of interest that would arise from government-directed investment. Kirk, from Waco, TX (Baylor University)
writes: Thank you, Kirk Marshall Chuck Blahous The one thing I would most advise you to watch for is whether reforms are enacted that would permanently strengthen Social Security, as opposed to changes that simply postpone the day of reckoning. In the past, there have been several instances of action to shore up Social Security temporarily, but not in a way that stabilized the system for good. If we continue the pattern of minor changes that has characterized Social Security reforms in the past, then during your working career you will again face the likelihood of tax increases or further adjustments to your benefits.
President Bush has made a priority of fixing the system for good. That’s the test against which we believe Social Security proposals should be measured. Adam, from Washington DC
writes: Chuck Blahous The problem with the current system is a vast difference between the benefits that it is promising in the future and the revenues that it will have on hand to pay them. Social Security, for example, is currently promising the average retiree in 2050 a benefit that is 40% higher, after adjusting for inflation, than an average retiree receives today. That benefit level is also approximately 30% higher than the current system would be able to afford to pay in 2050.
Clearly, decisions will need to be made in order to get the system back on track for our children and grandchildren. We want to work with Congress to find the best way to do it. Stuart, from New Jersey
writes: Chuck Blahous A number of comprehensive proposals have been put forward, some by Members of Congress, others by the President’s bipartisan Commission to Strengthen Social Security. President Bush has not selected a specific reform proposal. Several of these proposals would fix the system permanently while considerably reducing the cost of sustaining the system under current law.
The current system would begin its “transition” from the black to the red in 2018. From that date onward, under current law, the current system would face a deficit that is growing worse with each following year. The President has proposed that we head off this event by beginning to invest now in the future of Social Security. We can do this for far less than the $10 trillion cost of sustaining the current system. Mary, from Kyle, Texas
writes: Chuck Blahous To explain why, let’s remember why Social Security has a problem. It has a problem because the number of elderly is growing faster than the workers that must support the Social Security system. In 1950, there were 16 people paying into Social Security for every one taking benefits. Today, there are slightly more than 3 workers to support each person on Social Security. By the time today’s young workers retire, there will be only two workers to support each person on Social Security. The result is that the cost of paying Social Security benefits, taken altogether, is rising relative to the size of the overall economy. If we were to raise taxes, that could only buy some time – future generations would simply have to come back and raise taxes again.
Currently, we expect that by 2018, the Social Security system will permanently cost more each year than it collects in taxes. Even if we were to subject every penny of wages in America to the payroll tax, this would only delay that onset of permanent deficits by six years, from 2018 to 2024. We simply cannot solve the problem that way. R.D., from Furman University
writes: Chuck Blahous There is a broad bipartisan agreement that action must be taken soon to fix the Social Security system. The Social Security Trustees found in their 2004 report that the system is not sustainable under current financing arrangements, and urged that action be taken soon. The Congressional Budget Office has also warned that Social Security is not sustainable under current law. The General Accounting Office has found that the Social Security system faces substantial financing challenges, and that they will appear sooner than is apparent from the annual Social Security Trustees’ reports. You may also recall that President Clinton called for Congress to “Save Social Security First” and devoted a year of public education to the need to strengthen Social Security. It is simply not credible to argue that Social Security’s fiscal strains are distant or minor. The first Baby Boomers turn 62 in 2008. By 2025, there will be only 2.3 workers to support each person on Social Security. By 2018, the program will owe more in annual benefit obligations than it collects in annual taxes.
The problems facing Social Security have been long noted. The only thing different about this President’s message is his commitment to resolving these problems. Mike, from Albuquerque, NM
writes: Chuck Blahous The first point I would make is that the President does not want to privatize Social Security. He wants to provide individuals with greater choice and control within Social Security. For those now on Social Security, nothing would change. For those who choose not to have a personal account, the traditional Social Security benefit would still be there for them. And even those who choose to have personal accounts would still draw benefits from the traditional Social Security system.
On your second point, you may be interested to learn that both the Social Security Administration and the General Accounting Office have performed studies of Social Security proposals and found that those who would gain the most from various personal account plans were the lowest-income participants. In the particular plans that they studied, the greatest gains of all would go to widows, largely due to the power of inherited assets from the personal accounts. Bryan, from Roswell, GA
writes: Chuck Blahous Matt, from Gilroy, CA
writes: Chuck Blahous
The Social Security Administration has estimated that administrative costs for a new system of personal accounts would equal only 0.3% of the balances in those accounts each year. Of this, the vast majority of expenses would be recordkeeping and basic administration, which would presumably still be handled by the Federal government. Caleb, from Crawfordsville,IN writes: Chuck Blahous Gary, from Madison, WI
writes: Chuck Blahous
The nature of the Social Security problem is such that the longer we wait, the tougher our choices become. By moving promptly and prudently, we can save Social Security for future generations. Brady, from Port St. Lucie, Florida
writes: Chuck Blahous
You will get a Social Security benefit, but we will need to make changes to the system in order to make sure that it remains sound during your retirement. One of the changes we want to make is to give you the opportunity to start putting some of your payroll taxes aside in a personal account in which you can build a nest egg for retirement. Laura, from Johnson writes: Chuck Blahous Americans are collecting Social Security for longer and longer as lifespans lengthen in our country. Under our current system, this means that costs go up over time – rising faster than the economy as a whole. What this means is that we can’t really fix Social Security by raising taxes. Because costs are going up faster than the tax base, future generations would simply have to raise taxes again.
President Bush wants the Social Security system to be fixed for good, and does not want to leave future generations with a situation in which they would face still further tax increases. Christi, from Oklahoma City, OK
writes: Thank you for your time. Chuck Blahous President Bush is proposing to allow you to designate some of your Social Security taxes to be saved for you in a personal account, where you can build a nest egg for your own retirement. This would not be a “privatization” of Social Security, but would rather add an element of personal choice and control and savings to the current Social Security system.
Chuck Blahous
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