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The Business Gateway,, provides the Nation’s businesses with a single, internet-based access point to government services and information to help businesses with their operations.

There are currently 24 million businesses; 40 agencies generate substantive compliance burden to business.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY08 Target Description/Context
% of agencies providing substantive compliance information 100% As of 3/08 100% The percentage of the 40 agencies that provide substantive compliance information are providing information to  Agency compliance contact list is published by per the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002.
# of forms available via 6,126 As of 1/31/08 6,300 The number of business and individual forms available on
% of referrals to partner sites per month 30% As of 1/31/08 33% The percentage of visits resulting in referrals to  Referrals occur when a visitor accesses business compliance information through the search tool and links provided by
# of visits to per month 118,188 As of 1/31/08 206,238 Average monthly visits to beginning for the quarter ending at the given measurement period.
Ratio of forms downloaded to total visits 6:1 Q1 FY08 1:1 This metric reflects the number of forms downloaded from compared to the number of visits to the site.
# of visits to per month 104,560 Q1 FY08 186,955 Average monthly visits to for the given measurement period.
Customer satisfaction with 70 Q1 FY08 72 Customer satisfaction is measured on a scale of 0-100 using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).
Customer satisfaction with 57 Q1 FY08 65 Customer satisfaction is measured on a scale of 0-100 using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).
Hours saved finding compliance information 767,010 As of 1/31/08 3,600,000 Business Gateway uses a custom question from the ACSI survey instrument to ask users to estimate ranges of hours saved by using As a result, these data are self-reported.
Hours saved finding business forms Not Available Not Available Not Available

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