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Defines the set of capabilities that support the identification, gathering and transformation of documents, reports and other sources into meaningful information.

  • Categorization

    Defines the set of capabilities that allow classification of data and information into specific layers or types to support an organization.

  • Information Mapping / Taxonomy

    Defines the set of capabilities that support the creation and maintenance of relationships between data entities, naming standards and categorization.

  • Information Retrieval

    Defines the set of capabilities that allow access to data and information for use by an organization and its stakeholders.

  • Information Sharing

    Defines the set of capabilities that support the use of documents and data in a multi-user environment for use by an organization and its stakeholders.

  • Knowledge Capture

    Defines the set of capabilities that facilitate collection of data and information.

  • Knowledge Discovery

    Defines the set of capabilities that facilitate the identification of useful information from data.

  • Knowledge Distribution and Delivery

    Defines the set of capabilities that support the transfer of knowledge to the end customer.

  • Knowledge Engineering

    Defines the set of capabilities that support the translation of knowledge from an expert into the knowledge base of an expert system.

  • Smart Documents

    Support the interaction of information and process (business logic) rules between users of the document. (i.e. the logic and use of the document is embedded within the document itself and is managed within the document parameters).