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President Delivers State of the Union
President Bush delivered the State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress at the Capitol Tuesday night. The transcript of the remarks and the complete video will be available soon.

 Excerpts   Fact Sheet   First Lady's Guests 

Behind-the-Scenes Slide Show
View these web-exclusive photos.
Background Video
Watch these web-exclusive videos of Cabinet Secretaries and Senior White House Officials discussing the State of the Union.
Don Evans, Secretary of Commerce

Don Evans
Secretary of Commerce

Mel Martinez, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Mel Martinez
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
en Español

Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services

Tommy Thompson
Secretary of Health and Human Services

Jim Towey, Director, Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

Jim Towey
Director, Faith-Based and Community Initiatives

John Bridgeland, Director, USA Freedom Corps

John Bridgeland
Director, USA Freedom Corps

Tucker Eskew, Director Global Communications

Tucker Eskew
Director, Global Communications






"The President shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."

Article II, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution
Presidential Quote Quiz
Ari Fleischer White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer overviews the 2003 State of the Union.

Growing the Economy & Creating Jobs

President Takes Action to Strengthen the Economy
Small Businesses

Strengthening & Improving Health Care

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Medical Liability

Encouraging Acts of Compassion

President Implements Key Elements of Faith-Based and Community Initiative
Faith-Based & Community Initiatives
USA Freedom Corps

Defending Peace & Security at Home

Ridge Sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security
Homeland Photo Essay
Homeland Security

"Why We Know Iraq is Lying" by Dr. Condoleezza Rice
Iraq: Apparatus of Lies
Global Communications

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