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Last Updated: March 9, 2025

Clay's Update (Comments from Clay Johnson, Deputy Director for Management)

Each Federal agency is transparent and public about:

  • How each program performs relative to its goals, and what management is doing to improve;
  • The desired management disciplines they have established, and not;
  • Where management is doing what it said it would do, or not, to establish additional management disciplines and utilize the disciplines it has;
  • Each program's level of improper payments and plans to eliminate;
  • The location, value, condition and need for each piece of real property;
  • The waste, fraud and abuse identified by the Inspector General; and
  • The recipient of each Federal contract and grant (starting by 1/08).

With this important information as detailed and/or public as it is:

  • Agency management is more accountable to its stakeholders, including its own employees and Congress;
  • There is more constructive public and internal discussion about the what, when, who and why of agency performance;
  • Each well-performing agency has more opportunities to brag about its successes;
  • Every agency is more committed to accomplishing its goals; and
  • Employee performance management is possible.

    This past quarter, Federal agencies were required to develop and implement an IT breach notification policy within 120 days of the issuance of a directive in May. No agency met the requirements for privacy and security as outlined in the directive; so almost all agencies were downgraded on E-Gov progress; they didn't do what they said they would do. Because this implementation failure is most apparent, it is most likely that agencies will correct the situation most quickly.

    Transparency is good�.and now, there is more of it than ever before.

    Clay Johnson, Deputy Director for Management at OMB