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PMA Scorecard
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Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Human Capital
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Improving Financial Performance
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President & His Leadership Team
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Human Capital |
A Message About Human Capital
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
November 3, 2008 - The Human Capital Scorecard has a new look. In a change from previous years, OPM has enabled agencies to identify their own strategic goals to report through Proud To Be (PTB) 6 scoring. Rather than require the same checkmarks from every agency, OPM now gives agencies ample space on the scorecard to identify their own outcomes and deliverables. This new approach reflects the significant progress agencies have made through the President's Management Agenda’s Strategic Human Capital Management Initiative. 
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
Leading the Way Through Our People and Systems
May 7, 2008 - As human capital (HC) management programs mature in the Federal Government, their direct relationship to achieving mission objectives and providing service to the public become more evident. Key examples are found in the programs of the Intelligence Community and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
January 31, 2008 - "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now Green in more ways than one. As of the first Quarter of Fiscal Year 2008, EPA has advanced to Green status on the Human Capital scorecard. EPA's demonstrated results in human capital management were further recognized by President Bush when he awarded EPA the President's Quality Award for Overall Management. By linking its Strategic Human Capital Plan ("Investing in Our People II") with agency strategic goals, EPA integrates its human capital strategy and operations with overarching strategic management decisions. EPA uses assessment and accountability tools to identify workforce trends and emerging challenges. Its strategic use of timely workforce data has enabled EPA to meet its talent management targets, including low vacancy rates and attrition. "
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
September 30, 2007 - "The General Services Administration (GSA) joined the ranks of "Green" agencies in the area of Strategic Management of Human Capital, bringing the total to 16 agencies that have achieved the President's vision for people management in Government. GSA's performance in human capital is anchored by noteworthy achievements in closing competency gaps in mission-critical occupations and restructuring its organization to create greater efficiencies and cost savings.."
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
July 30, 2007 - "Results of the fourth year of the President's Management Agenda demonstrate that strategic management of human capital is fast becoming agencies' fundamental business model. For instance, 92% of agencies have human capital programs that are aligned with mission, 73% of agencies met their targets toward closing gaps in mission critical occupations, and the average time to hire someone into Federal service dropped to an average of 31 days based on the 45-day model.."
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
May 1, 2007 - "When the original Executive Branch Management Scorecard was released in 2001, no agency was "Green" (the highest level) in the area of Strategic Management of Human Capital. Today, 16 agencies have achieved this standard, with several others poised to join their ranks. Across Government, agency leaders are seeing the value of building strong and sustainable human capital programs and how these programs contribute to mission accomplishment."
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital
January 20, 2007 - "Agencies continue building strong human capital programs as evidenced by the Department of Commerce's return to "'Green" Status this quarter. This brings the total number of "Green" human capital agencies to 16."
Advancing the Strategic Management of Human Capital 
November 8, 2006 - "Agencies fulfilled an ambitious schedule of milestones toward the government wide goal of establishing robust systems for strategic human capital management."
A 21st Century Approach to Attracting Talent 
July 26, 2006 - "Momentum in the Government human capital programs continues as the Departments of Agriculture and Veterans Affairs achieved “Green” status on the human capital scorecard this quarter. This increases the total number of “Green” human capital agencies to 15."
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May 2006 - Improving Performance Management in Government
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