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May 17, 2006

Joint Statement of the Members

Over the last two days the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board has held its fourth formal meeting since being sworn in on March 14, 2006. These meetings, along with those conducted by the Board's Executive Director, enable us to gather the information necessary to move forward with setting priorities and goals in exercising our statutory responsibilities, including advising the President and other senior executive branch officials to ensure that privacy and civil liberties are properly considered in efforts to protect the Nation against terrorism.

During the course of the past two months, we have received substantive briefings, discussed issues of mutual interest and shared views with senior Administration officials, including then White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card; Stephen J. Hadley, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Frances F. Townsend, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; and Harriet E. Miers, Counsel to the President. The Board has also received valuable assistance from senior officials at the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Office of Management and Budget, and the privacy and civil liberties community throughout the Federal government. We expect to continue receiving information and cooperation from these individuals and agencies which will ensure our ability to pursue priorities, provide advice and oversee implementation of policy with respect to privacy and civil liberties implications in the war gainst terrorism

Chairman Dinkins and Vice Chairman Raul have also met with top officers of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Democracy and Technology. They have previously met with Peter Swire, Chief Counselor for Privacy in the Office of Management and Budget in the Clinton Administration, and will meet in the next few weeks with senior officials from the Markle Foundation and American Conservative Union. All Board members look forward to future meetings with interested parties from the private and non-profit sectors.

In addition, through the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Board will continue to work with interested Members of Congress.

Standing up any new institution takes vision, energy, and commitment. We believe we are making good progress. Personnel security clearances are in place, a new suite of offices is under construction, the Board has appointed an Executive Director and is moving forward expeditiously to hire professional and administrative support staff. We are pleased at the enthusiasm and level of support we are receiving, both substantively and administratively, from White House staff, the Executive Office of the President and the Federal departments and agencies we expect to work closely with as we move forward.

The Board intends to keep the public informed of its work through its website at

Carol E. Dinkins

Alan Charles Raul
Vice Chairman

Lanny J. Davis
Theodore B. Olson
Francis X. Taylor

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