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- M-02-15,
Revision of OMB Circular A-16
(August 15, 2002)
- M-02-14,
Additional Information Requirements for Overseas Combating Terrorism
and Homeland Security for the FY 2004 Budget
(August 8, 2002)
- M-02-13,
Review and Consolidation of Business Management Systems for the Proposed
Department of Homeland Security
(July 30, 2002)
- M-02-12,
Reducing Redundant IT Infrastructure to Homeland Security
(July 19, 2002) (145k)
- M-02-11,
Department of Homeland Security Transition Issues
(July 16, 2002) (73k)
- M-02-10,
Program Performance Assessments for the FY 2004 Budget (July 26,
2002) (287k)
- M-02-09,
Reporting Instructions for the Government Information Security Reform
Act and Updated Guidance on Security Plans of Action and Milestones
(July 2, 2002) (195k)
- M-02-08,
Redundant Information Systems Relating to On-Line Rulemaking Initiative
(May 6, 2002) (111k)
- M-02-07,
Procurement of Printing and Duplicating through the Government Printing
Office (May 3, 2002) (123k)
- M-02-06,
Planning for the President's Fiscal Year 2004 Budget Request
(April 24, 2002) (65k)
-- Addendum
(Detailed Information on Common Performance Measures)
- M-02-05,
Use of Government Purchase and Travel Cards (April 18, 2002)
- M-02-04,
Year 2002 Inventory of Commercial Activities (February 27, 2002)
- M-02-03,
2002 Discount Rates for OMB Circular No. A-94 (January 29, 2002)
- M-02-02,
Implementation of the President’s Management Agenda and Presentation
of the FY 2003 Budget Request (October 30, 2001)
- M-02-01,
Guidance for Preparing and Submitting Security Plans of Action and Milestones
(October 17, 2001)
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