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First Gov  
Appropriations Bills
Appropriations By Subcommittee

108th Congress First Session
(By Bill Number)

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House Bills
Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
HR 1 Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act of 2003 (85k) 06/26/2003 House
HR 2 Growth and Jobs Tax Act of 2003 (79k) 05/09/2003 House
HR 4 Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act of 2003 (77k) 02/13/2003 House
HR 5 Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Health Care Act of 2003 (79k) 03/13/2003 House
HR 6 Energy Policy Act of 2003 (81k) 04/10/2003 House
HR 7 Charitable Giving Act of 2003 (76k) 09/17/2003 House
HR 8 Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act (78k) 06/18/2003 House
HR 49 Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act (75k) 09/17/2003 House
HR 254 North American Development Bank and Border Environment Cooperation Commission (76k) 02/26/2003 House
HR 395 Do-Not-Call Implementation Act (75k) 02/12/2003 House
HR 438 Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act of 2003 (77k) 07/09/2003 House
HR 534 Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003 (76k) 02/26/2003 House Rules
HR 660 Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2003 (81k) 06/19/2003 House
HR 760 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban of 2003 (75k) 06/04/2003 House
HR 975 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2003 (74k) 03/19/2003 House
HR 1000 Pension Security Act of 2003 (76k) 05/14/2003 House
HR 1036 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (75k) 04/09/2003 House
HR 1104 Child Abduction Prevention Act (75k) 03/26/2003 House
HR 1115 Class Action Fairness Act of 2003 (76k) 06/12/2003 House
HR 1261 Workforce Reinvestment and Adult Education Act of 2003 (76k) 05/08/2003 House
HR 1276 American Dream Downpayment Act (22k) 10/01/2003 House
HR 1298 United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 (76k) 05/15/2003 Senate
HR 1298 United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 (76k) 04/30/2003 House
HR 1308 The All-American Tax Relief Act of 2003 (74k) 06/12/2003 House
HR 1320 Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (76k) 06/11/2003 House
HR 1350 Improving Education Results for Children with Disabilities Act of 2003 (80k) 04/30/2003 House
HR 1412 Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act (74k) 04/01/2003 House
HR 1463 Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act (73k) 03/31/2003 House
HR 1559 Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 2003 (82k) 04/02/2003 House
HR 1588 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (103k) 05/22/2003 House
HR 1904 Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (90k) 10/29/2003 Senate
HR 1904 Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 (76k) 05/20/2003 House
HR 1950 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 (83k) 07/15/2003 House
HR 2086 Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2003 (76k) 09/30/2003 House
HR 2115 Flight 100 - Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (97k) 06/11/2003 House Rules
HR 2122 Project BioShield Act of 2003 (89k) 07/16/2003 House
HR 2210 School Readiness Act of 2003 (78k) 07/24/2003 House
HR 2420 Mutual Funds Integrity and Fee Transparency Act of 2003 (87k) 11/19/2003 House
HR 2427 Pharmaceutical Market Access Act of 2003 (76k) 07/23/2003 House Rules
HR 2555 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (84k) 07/21/2003 House
HR 2555 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (84k) 06/23/2003 House Rules
HR 2557 Water Resources Development Act of 2003 (107k) 09/24/2003 House
HR 2559 Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (76k) 06/26/2003 House
HR 2620 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (90k) 11/04/2003 House
HR 2622 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (75k) 09/10/2003 House
HR 2658 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (89k) 07/08/2003 House
HR 2660 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (92k) 07/08/2003 House
HR 2673
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (91k)
07/14/2003 House
HR 2691 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (81k) 07/16/2003 House
HR 2738 United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (76k) 07/23/2003 House
HR 2739 United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (76k) 07/23/2003 House
HR 2754 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (120k) 07/18/2003 House
HR 2765 District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (82k) 07/23/2003 House Rules
HR 2799 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (88k) 07/22/2003 House
HR 2800 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (87k) 07/22/2003 House
HR 2861 Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (90k) 07/24/2003 House Rules
HR 2989 Departments of Transportation and Treasury and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (94k) 09/04/2003 House
HR 3108 Pension Funding Equity Act of 2003 (23k) 10/08/2003 House
HR 3182 Adoption Promotion Act of 2003 (22k) 10/08/2003 House
HR 3289 Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan Security and Reconstruction for FY 2004, and for Other Purposes (98k) 10/16/2003 Senate and House
HR 4227 Middle-Class Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2004 (88k) 05/05/2003 House

House Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom

Making Further Continuing Appropriations, FY 2003 (29k)

01/17/2003 Senate
HJR 4 Constitutional Amendment to Protect the United States Flag (20k) 06/03/2003 House

Senate Bills

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
S 1 Prescription Drug and Medicare Improvement Act (84k) 06/19/2003 Senate
S 3 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (76k) 03/10/2003 Senate
S 11 Patients First Act of 2003 (77k) 07/07/2003 Senate
S 14 Energy Policy Act of 2003 (87k) 05/08/2003 Senate
S 139 Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 (94k) 10/29/2003 Senate
S 150 Internet Tax Non-discrimination Act of 2003 (82k) 11/06/2003 Senate
S 151 Prosecutorial Remedies and Tools Against the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (77k) 02/24/2003 Senate
S 476 CARE Act of 2003 (81k) 04/09/2003 Senate
S 762 Making Supplemental Appropriations to Support Department of Defense Operations in Iraq, Department of Homeland Security, and Related Efforts, FY 2003 (82k) 04/02/2003 Senate
S 824 Aviation Investment and Revitalization Vision Act (78k) 06/12/2003 Senate
S 877 Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (88k) 10/22/2003 Senate
S 925 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2004 (87k) 07/09/2003 Senate
S 1050 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (90k) 05/20/2003 Senate
S 1053 Genetic Non-Discrimination Act of 2003 (22k) 10/14/2003 Senate
S 1054 Jobs and Growth Tax Act of 2003 (77k) 05/14/2003 Senate
S 1356 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (96k) 09/02/2003 Senate
S 1357 Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (83k) 07/10/2003 Senate
S 1382 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (81k) 07/14/2003 Senate
S 1391 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (91k) 09/17/2003 Senate
S 1424 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (90k) 09/11/2003 Senate
S 1426 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, FY 2004 (42k) 10/24/2003 Senate
S 1427 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2004 (104k) 11/05/2003 Senate
S 1583 District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (81k) 09/24/2003 Senate
S 1584 The Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (128k) 11/12/2003 Senate
S 1585 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (138k) 11/10/2003 Senate
S 1589 The Department of Transportation, Treasury and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2004 (120k) 10/23/2003 Senate
S 1689 Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan Security and Reconstruction for FY 2004, and for Other Purposes (98k) 10/16/2003 Senate and House
S 1751 Class Action Fairness Act of 2003 (89k) 10/21/2003 Senate
S 1753 National Consumer Credit Reporting System Improvement Act of 2003 (83k) 11/04/2003 Senate

Senate Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
SJR 17 Disapproving the Rule of the Federal Communications Commission on Broadcast Media Ownership (74k) 09/11/2003 Senate