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Appropriations Bills | |
Appropriations By Subcommittee |
House Bills |
Bil No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HR2869 | Small Business Liability Relief & Brownfields Revitalization Act | 12/19/2001 | House |
HR3275 | Implementing Certain International Terrorism Conventions | 12/19/2001 | House |
HR3338 | Department of Defense Appropriations, FY 2002 | 12/06/2001 | Senate |
HR3005 | Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2001 | 12/05/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR3210 | Terrorism Risk Protection Act | 11/28/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR3338 | Department of Defense Appropriations, FY 2002 | 11/28/2001 | House |
HR2983 | Price-Anderson Reauthorization Act of 2001 | 11/27/2001 | House |
HR3009 | Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act | 11/16/2001 | House |
HR2269 | Retirement Security Advice Act of 2001 | 11/15/2001 | House |
HR1552 | Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act | 11/15/2001 | Senate |
HR3090 | Economic Security and Recovery Act of 2001 | 11/14/2001 | Senate |
HR3150 | Secure Transportation for America Act of 2001 | 11/01/2001 | House |
HR3090 | Economic Security and Recovery Act of 2001 | 10/24/2001 | House |
HR2792 | Disabled Veterans Service Dog and Health Care Improvement Act | 10/23/2001 | House |
HR1552 | Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act | 10/16/2001 | House |
HR2975 | Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (PATRIOT) Act of 2001 | 10/12/2001 | House |
HR3061 | Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 10/11/2001 | House |
HR2506 | Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 2002 | 10/03/2001 | Senate |
HR2646 | Farm Security Act of 2001 | 10/03/2001 | House |
HR2944 | District of Columbia Appropriations, FY 2002 | 09/25/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2586 | National Defense Authorization Act, FY 2002 | 09/24/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2904 | Military Construction Appropriations Act, FY 2002 | 09/21/2001 | House |
HR2510 | Defense Production Act Amendments of 2001 | 09/05/2001 | House |
HR4 | Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Act | 08/01/2001 | House | HR2603 | US-Jordan Free Trade Area Implementation Act | 07/31/2001 | House |
HR2505 | Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 | 07/30/2001 | House |
HR1858 | National Mathematics and Science Partnerships Act | 07/30/2001 | House |
HR100 | National Science Education Act | 07/30/2001 | House |
HR2620 | Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/25/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR1954 | ILSA Extension Act of 2001 | 07/25/2001 | House |
HR2590 | Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/24/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2299 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/19/2001 | Senate |
HR7 | Community Solutions Act of 2001 | 07/19/2001 | House |
HR2506 | Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Program Appropriations, FY2002 | 07/18/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2500 | Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/16/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2217 | Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/11/2001 | Senate |
HR2330 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 06/27/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2311 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 2002 | 06/27/2001 | House |
HR2213 | Crop Year 2001 Agricultural Economic Assistance Act | 06/26/2001 | House |
HR2299 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 06/25/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2217 | Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 06/20/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR2216 | Supplemental Appropriations Act, FY 2001 | 06/19/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR1291 | 21st Century Montgomery GI Bill Enhancement Act | 06/19/2001 | House |
HR1088 | Investor and Capital Markets Fee Relief Act | 06/14/2001 | House |
HR2052 | Sudan Peace Act | 06/13/2001 | House |
HR1831 | Small Business Liability Protection Act | 05/21/2001 | House |
HR622 | Hope for Children Act | 05/17/2001 | House |
HR1836 | Provides for Reconciliation Pursuant to section 104 of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2002. | 05/16/2001 | House |
HR1 | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | 05/15/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR1646 | Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2002 and 2003 | 05/08/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR503 | Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2001 | 04/24/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR8 | Death Tax Elimination Act of 2001 | 04/04/2001 | House |
HR6 | Marriage Penalty and Family Tax Relief Act of 2001 | 03/29/2001 | House |
HR327 | Small Business Paperwork Relief Act | 03/14/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR741 | Madrid Protocol Implementation Act | 03/14/2001 | House |
HR834 | National Trails System Willing Seller Act | 03/13/2001 | House |
HR3 | Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act of 2001 | 03/08/2001 | House |
HR624 | Organ Donation Improvement Act of 2001 | 03/06/2001 | House |
HR333 | Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2001 | 02/28/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
HR554 | Rail Passenger Disaster Family Assistance Act | 02/13/2001 | House Rules Ctte. |
House Joint Resolutions |
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HJR51 | Approving the Extension of Normal Trade Relations Status for Vietnam | 09/06/2001 | House |
HJR55 | Disapproving the Extension of the Jackson-Vanik Waiver Authority for Vietnam | 07/26/2001 | House |
HJR50 | Disapproving the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Trade Treatment to China | 07/19/2001 | House |
HJR36 | Constitutional Amendment to Protect the United States Flag | 07/17/2001 | House |
Senate Bills |
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
S1731 | Agriculture, Conservation, and Rural Enhancement Act of 2001 | 12/05/2001 | Senate |
S1543 | District of Columbia Appropriations, FY 2002 | 11/06/2001 | Senate |
S1536 | Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 10/30/2001 | Senate |
S1191 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 10/25/2001 | Senate |
S1510 | Uniting and Strengthening America (USA) Act of 2001 | 10/11/2001 | Senate |
S1438 | National Defense Authorization Act, FY 2002 | 09/24/2001 | Senate |
S1215 | Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 09/10/2001 | Senate |
S1216 | Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 2002 | 08/01/2001 | Senate |
S1246 | Crop Year 2001 Agricultural Economic Assistance Act | 07/30/2001 | Senate |
S1171 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 2002 | 07/18/2001 | Senate |
S1077 | Supplemental Appropriations Act, FY 2001 | 07/09/2001 | Senate |
S1052 | Bipartisan Patient Protection Act | 06/21/2001 | Senate |
S896 | Restoring Earnings to Lift Individuals and Empower Families (RELIEF) Act of 2001 | 05/17/2001 | Senate |
S1 | Better Education for Students and Teachers Act | 05/09/2001 | Senate |
S149 | Export Administration Act of 2001 | 04/26/2001 | Senate |
S350 | Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001 | 04/25/2001 | Senate |
S420 | Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2001 | 03/07/2001 | Senate |
S235 | Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2001 | 02/08/2001 | Senate |
Senate Joint Resolutions |
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
SJR28 | Suspending certain provisions of law pursuant to section 258(a)(2) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 | 11/13/2001 | Senate |
SJR6 | Joint Resolution of Disapproval of Ergonomics Regulation | 03/06/2001 | Senate |