Description: Rutgers University School of Law, Camden, NJ, for student scholarships and loan repayment, internships, and public interest programming
Rutgers State University (1912864) |
$635 |
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education |
83 Somerset St
New Brunswick,
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
P.L. 108-447, Conference Report 108-792
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: P.L. 108-447: Provided further, That $146,360,000 of the funds for part B of title VII of the Higher Education Act of 1965 shall be available for the projects and in the amounts specified in the statement of the managers of the conference report accompanying this Act. Appropriations conference report 108-792: Rutgers University School of Law, Camden, NJ, for student scholarships and loan repayment, internships, and public interest programming.