Description: The Wood Utilization Center develops value-added products and markets for Alaska forest products, provides technical assistance to improve and implement new technologies such as dry kilns and bio-based fuel systems, and assists community development efforts through improved manufacturing opportunities. Key outcomes: New grading rules for Alaska lumber to allow Alaska producers entry into new markets. Identification of consumer preference for Alaska hardwoods to create new markets for low-grade hardwood logs. Growth of value-added production opportunities through improved dry kiln operations and secondary processing methods. Improve application of economically feasible biomass utilization systems using wood waste as fuel. Provide economic development assistance and expand manufacturing opportunities in communities located near national forests.
Alaska Timber Industry |
$1,114 |
Other (Multiple Communities) |
Multiple Communities,
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
H. Rept. 108-792
Pp. 1066-1067
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Citation Excerpt: