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Agency:    Department of the Interior
Bureau:    United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Account:    Land acquisition (14-5020)
Certifying Official:    Budget Officer
Contact Information:    http://WWW.DOI.GOV   202-208-6416

1 recipient will receive $740,000. This is a first-time earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: Land and Water Conservation Fund Land Acquisition. Will acquire land for the Refuge.
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Yukon Flats NWR (927643551) $740 Subactivity 8454 Federal
101 12th avenue
fairbanks, AK
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: H. Rept. 108-792
Method: User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: The conference agreement provides $37,526,000 for land acquisition instead of $12,500,000 as proposed by the House and $49,864 as proposed by the Senate. The managers agree to the following distribution of funds: Further Conference Report Language: "The conference agreement makes a technical modification to the language proposed in the Senate bill earmarking $750,000 for the Yukon Flats NWR (AK)/ Doyon land exchange. The conference agreement retains the language proposed in the Senate bill providing that none of the funds in this or any other Act may be used for acquisition of land to be part of Deep Fork NWR (OK).

Citation Comment: Amount was reduced by congressional across-the-board rescissions

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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