Description: The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) provide grants for salmon recovery projects in the State Of Washington. Impacts to Pacific salmon and their habitats have led to the Federal listing of 13 stocks of salmon and steelhead in the State as threatened or endangered. Continued funding through the established NFWF process would primarily address habitat projects.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (175172527) |
$1,972 |
1113 |
Non-Profit |
806 SW Broadway, Ste. 750
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
H.R. 108-792
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: Increases for endangered species candidate conservation programs include $300,000 for Idaho sage grouse, $750,000 for Alaska sea otter, $50,000 for slickspot peppergrass, $100,000 for Tahoe yellow cress, and $300,000 for the Fisher (Martes pennanti). There is a decrease in the listing program of $1,000,000 for critical habitat designation. There is an increase of $1,750,000 in consultation to restore partially the Natural Communities Conservation Planning program. Increases for recovery programs include $1,500,000 to restore the base program, $1,000,000 to restore the Platte River recovery program, $1,500,000 for wolf monitoring, $2,000,000 for Pacific salmon grants to be administered through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, $700,000 to restore the Upper Colorado River recovery program, and $200,000 for Florida manatee rescue and carcass salvage.