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Agency:    Department of the Interior
Bureau:    United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Account:    Resource management (14-1611)
Certifying Official:    Budget Officer
Contact Information:    http://WWW.DOI.GOV   202-208-6416
Susquehanna Fish Passage

1 recipient will receive $493,000. This is a continuing earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: The funds are part of a $5 million multi-year project to reopen 135 miles of river and support 150,000 shad. The project requires the construction of fish passages at three dams. Preliminary fishway designs and plans were completed for all three projects with FY 2005 funds. FY 2006 funds will be used to complete final designs, cost and materials estimates, and hydraulic model tests, if needed, on all three project sites, and, if possible, to initiate construction of Denil fishways at Grant Street Dam and the International Paper Company dam, both near Lock Haven, PA.
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (796573681) $493 Partners for Fish and Wildlife 1121 State Government
450 Robinson Lane
Bellefonte, PA
Source: Appropriations Report Language - House Full Committee
Reference: H. Rept. 108-542, H.R. 108-792
Method: User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: House "$1,000,000 for fish passage in the west branch of the Susquehanna River,..." Conf: "In habitat conservation, changes to the House passed level for partners for fish and wildlife projects are as follows: West branch of the Susquehanna River fish passage, PA -$500"

Citation Comment: Amount was reduced by congressional across-the-board recissions.

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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