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Agency:    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Bureau:    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Account:    Science, aeronautics, and exploration (80-0114)
Certifying Official:    Deputy Assistant Administrator
Contact Information:    http://WWW.NASA.GOV   
Improvements to the Cooper Library at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina

1 recipient will receive $1,980,000. This is a first-time earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: The University of South Carolina was awarded a Facility Grant, NNL05AA22G in the amount of $1,973,287, to make structural improvements to the Thomas Cooper Library. The construction project will involve the addition of two wings, a Modern Political Collections (MPC) wing (featuring the Ernest F. Hollings Library) and a Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) wing. NASA related exhibits and programs in the MPC wing will inspire and inform the one million plus annual visitors. It is also envisioned that this new facility will have the potential to entice students, including minorities and women, to pursue careers in aeronautical engineering, computer science and related areas. NASA funds will provide partial support for the $18M project with contributions from other government agencies and private funding sources. The project is expected to take about three years to complete..
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Univ of South Carolina, Thomas Cook Library $1,980 Public Educational Institution
Thomas Cook Library
Columbia, SC
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: P.L. 108-447
Location: Conference Report (108-792) pg, 1608
Method: FY 2005 Conference Report - Statement of Managers
Citation Excerpt:

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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