Description: A new award NNL05AA19G was made in the amount of $1,750K to Wichita State University for funding of applied research in the area/field of metallurgy and materials. This research will expand The National Center for Advanced Materials Performance (NCAMP). NCAMP will address shared-database methodology and material, structural, manufacturing, and repair qualification processes for use of affordable polymeric composite materials in commercial and military applications. The primary focus of NCAMP will be on increasing the efficiency of advanced material application to new aircraft models while at the same time decreasing the cost of these materials. Anticipated benefits include reductions in nonrecurring and recurring program qualification costs and introduction of multiple sources of new advanced material forms. The NCAMP mission is to provide the nation with a center for the validation and quality assurance of composites and advanced materials to be applied in the commercial and military aviation industry through (a) data-sharing among multiple users, (b) statistical continuity from one length-scale to another and (c) reduced testing via increased capability and use of numerical/analytical simulation tools.
Wichita State University |
$1,980 |
Public Educational Institution |
Office of Research Administration
185 Fairmont
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
P.L. 108-447
Conference Report (108-792) pg, 1607
FY 2005 Conference Report - Statement of Managers
Citation Excerpt: