Description: Hawaii's Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS) is a statewide information system that combines juvenile offender information from police, prosecutors, Family Court and youth Correctional Facility. It serves all juvenile justice agencies in Hawaii. This project will engage a vendor to provide technical expertise in current web technology to assist the JJIS staff in the development phase of the project, and also extends the funding for a Project Manager who will insure sufficient resources for successful completion of the project. Progress will be measured by the successful installation of system hardware and software, execution of the contract for the technical expert, and successful development and testing of system applications. Through the successful completion of this project, Hawaii's JJIS will become a more useful tool in helping the juvenile justice agencies accomplish their important mission in track juvenile offenders. JJIS includes first exposure to the justice system and extends through prosecution, adjudication, and incarceration.
Hawaii Department of The Attorney General (41836276) |
$789 |
State Government |
425 Queen Street
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Pub. L. No. 108-447
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: $800,000 for the Juvenile Justice Information System in HI;