Description: The National Hispanic Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program of the Self Reliance Foundation, in coordination with the Hispanic Radio Network, will implement a national, multi-media outreach effort to Spanish-speaking parents, providing critical information about after school programming, delinquency prevention, and juvenile justice to 39.9 million Hispanics in the United States. The primary goal of this project is to overcome language barriers and connect Hispanic citizens with local resources. The program's strategy is to use a toll-free, bilingual telephone hotline and a broad media campaign to educate and connect families to the programs and activities that will help their children avoid gang involvement, participate in after school programs, improve their language skills, avoid substance abuse and teen pregnancy, complete their education, and prepare for a vocation or college upon high school graduation. Performance outcomes will include the ability of the programming to educate and connect the public to services. This will be measured using ratings data and focus group assessments with listeners.
Self Reliance Foundation (128664893) |
$493 |
Non-Profit |
1126 16th Street , NW
Suite 350
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Pub. L. No. 108-447
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: $500,000 for the Hispanic National Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program'Self-Reliance Foundation;