Description: The purpose of this program is to provide intensive, residential, and aftercare services to youth who are faced with imminent risk of institutionalization and/or incarceration for abuse of alcohol, drugs, and/or other substances; a complete treatment environment where all problem areas of the youth's life can be addressed; assessment of and appropriate services to the family, enabling them to support the youth in making lifestyle changes; and skills necessary to ensure the youth maintain residency in their community and prevent relapse. Performance measures include 1) 75% of youth admitted into services will successfully complete the program; 2) 80% of youth will demonstrate a decrease in self-destructive and/or antisocial behavior by discharge from the program; 3) 80% of families will be involved in counseling and supportive sessions; and 4) 80% of families will be involved in the treatment planning process, including helping to set goals and objectives for youth for treatment and post treatment.
Buckhorn Children and Family Services (79649562) |
$247 |
Non-Profit |
116 Buckhorn Lane
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Pub. L. No. 108-447
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: $250,000 for the Buckhorn Lake Children's Center for programs to serve at-risk youth;