Description: The City of Ridgeland is addressing the lack of a consolidated communications center anywhere in Madison County, Mississippi. They are upgrading the cities of Ridgeland and Madison's public safety communications (Police and Fire) equipment to current state of the art technology and linking the city's public safety communications centers, ensuring total communications interoperability in south Madison County. All public safety entities within Madison County are welcome, and in fact, are being invited to join in on the venture. The new radio system is a quantum leap in telecommunications as it has the ability allow officers to be dispatched to calls, run license plate and driver's license checks, submit reports and disseminate critical information quickly, without leaving the field. Upgrading their system to current technology is greatly enhancing their public safety entity's ability to serve and protect the citizens of Madison County. A line item in the FY 2005 Congressional budget provides funding for the Public Safety Communications Upgrade Project.
City of Ridgeland Mississippi (603797481) |
$987 |
Locality |
Post Office Box 875
304 Hwy 51
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Pub. L. No. 108-447
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: $1,000,000 for the Ridgelend, MS, Police Department radios and equipment;