Description: The mission of the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) Division of the Alabama Department of Public Safety (DPS) is to provide professional criminal investigative services to identify and apprehend those persons intent on disrupting the safe environment of the citizens of the state of Alabama. The mission is accomplished by providing assistance to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the investigation of all major crimes as requested. ABI also collects, analyzes, and disseminates information to law enforcement agencies on criminal elements that are a threat to the public. The ABI Criminal Information Center (CIC) houses the Alabama Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ACMEC). ACMEC provides assistance and investigative support to law enforcement personnel in matters involving missing and exploited children including Internet crimes. Support includes providing suspectsˇ¦ background information, photo identification, and case analysis. The Alabama Missing Children Investigation and Education Project will provide a mechanism for increasing public awareness and educational programs throughout the State of Alabama with regards to the ever-increasing number of missing children. Additional services that supported by this project include but are not limited to the following: a directory of available resources for assistance in locating a child; emergency fliers, as requested by law enforcement agencies, containing descriptive information of missing children believed to be in immediate danger; training for law enforcement agencies and public/private organizations regarding the operations of the ACMEC; and a child safety guide that provides a list of precautions for children as well as child safety program information.
State of Alabama (128860215) |
$395 |
State Government |
P. O. Box 1511
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Pub. L. No. 108-447
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: $400,000 for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation's Missing Children's Program;