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Agency:    Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau:    Administration on Aging
Account:    Aging services programs (75-0142)
Certifying Official:    Director, Budget and Finance
Contact Information:    http://WWW.HHS.GOV   202-720-3210
Establish the Office of Substitute Decision Maker

1 recipient will receive $397,000. This is a first-time earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Code: N/A
Description: The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs will develop the educational materials and training tools necessary to initiate a statewide Office of Substitute Decision Maker. This Office will establish a least restrictive system of substitute decision making services for older adults and disabled adults at least 18 years old who might be in need of a decision maker, but do not already have access to a guardian, conservator, representative payee, and/or attorney under a power of attorney. During the grant period, the Department of Elder Affairs will establish the infrastructure of the program, including training of staff and recruitment of local partners. The proposed intervention will screen potential clients using intake and assessment tools that they develop.
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Iowa Department of Elder Affairs (808348775) $397 Program Innovations State Government
200 10th St. - 3rd Floor
Des Moines, IA
  Comment: N/A
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: P.L. 108-447, H. Rept. 108-792
Citation Excerpt: Iowa Department of Elder Affairs to establish the Office of Substitute Decision Maker.

Citation Comment: N/A

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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