Description: The goal of the National Center on Caregiving at the Family Caregiver Alliance is to advance the delivery of high quality and cost effective policies and programs for family caregivers nationwide. It will provide focused technical assistance to the aging network, other program developers and policymakers to start or sustain innovative and evidence-based caregiver support programs. They will provide training and education to the aging network to enable them to provide high quality and outcome oriented caregiver support programs. Finally, they will advance research and policy analysis by serving as a knowledge base for practical applications of caregiver policies, identifying emerging trends, and highlighting promising practices.
Family Caregiver Alliance (058937186) |
$248 |
Program Innovations |
Non-Profit |
180 Montgomery St., Ste. 1100
San Francisco,
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
P.L. 108-447, H. Rept. 108-792
Citation Excerpt: Family Caregiver Alliance, San Francisco, CA for a National Resource Center on Family Caregiving.