Description: The Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care will conduct a one-year project to develop a comprehensive Internet-based resource for accessing data about the epidemiology and experience of end-of-life in the United States. During 2004/2005, The Carolinas built the Epidemiology of Dying and End of Life Care Experience (EDELE) website that provides ready access to data about decedents and end-of-life for use by healthcare providers, health planners, and advocacy organizations for clinical practice improvement, informed policy change, and planning. This project will increase the utility of the website by including data for two to three more states, developing a cost-effective mechanism to add more states in the future; and including information about and access to data not currently posted on the website.
Carolinas Center for Hospice & End of Life Care (101733277) |
$99 |
Program Innovations |
For-Profit |
2400 Weston Pkwy.
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
P.L. 108-447, H. Rept. 108-792
Citation Excerpt: Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care, Cary NC for development of a national data collection system on the needs of end-of-life and terminally ill patients.