Description: The SEAtreat concept is the integration of multispectral fluorescence imaging and real-time photodynamic therapy dose-optimization for the simultaneous visualization and treatment of pre-cancer and cancer (i.e. both treatment and prevention of cancer). This system offers the promise to detect, localize, and treat cancer with one instrument. The SEAtreat minimally invasive technology has the potential to dramatically reduce the pain and suffering associated with conventional cancer screening and treatment, reduce costs and improving the overall level of effectiveness. The initial focus for this technology has been for the detection and treatment of cervical cancer; however, the technology also shows great promise for the detection and/or treatment of a variety of other cancers such as skin, ovarian, breast and oral.
Science and Engineering Associates, Inc. |
$2,875 |
For-Profit |
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Line 31, Page 258
Citation Excerpt: SEAtreat