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Agency:    Department of Defense--Military
Bureau:    Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
Account:    Research, development, test, and evaluation, Army (21-2040)
Certifying Official:    Deputy Comptroller Program/Budget
Contact Information:    http://WWW.DOD.GOV   703-697-5131
Advanced Vehicle Life Consumption and Maintenance Prognostics System

1 recipient will receive $1,000,000. This is a first-time earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: Advanced Vehicle Life Consumption and Maintenance Prognostic System: Cooperative research initiative between the NAC and AMSAA to collect data and analyze the fatigue life of selected components / subsystems of the Stryker ICV ( 1-6 vehicles ). Data from the Stryker ICVs' data bus and Height Management System will be augmented with strain gauges and accellerometers and collected using nCode's e-DAQ Lite equipment. nCode will analyze and develop methodology to assess the relative accumulated damage to and expected fatigue life of selected components / subsystems
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
nCode International, Inc $1,000 For-Profit
Southfield, MI
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: 108-622
Location: Line 14, Page 251
Citation Excerpt: Advanced Vehicle Life Consumption and Maintenance Prognostics System

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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