Description: The Maritime Directed Energy Test Center (MDETC) will be the Navy's shore based laboratory for research, engineering, development, and test and evaluation of its Directed Energy and Electric Weapon Systems. Systems planned for this facility: Electric Weapons engineering/development laboratory and power conditioning/support services Facility; Electromagnetic Launch (EML) Rail Gun Facility; High Energy Laser (HEL) Facility, including Solid State Laser (SSL) and Free Electron Laser (FEL); High Power Microwave (HPM) Facility, including the maritime Active Denial System (ADS) and Laser Guided Energy (LGE), and the Maritime Domain Identification System (MDIS) specific emitter identification capability. MDETC will provide the only facility available to the U. S. that will be capable of developing and operationally testing the Navy's next generation of transformational weapons and weapon systems in a Battle Group Network Centric environment. By direction of the Senate Appropriations Committee (SAC), a study will be conducted on the Navy's directed energy and electric weapon requirements for both offensive and defensive uses. The study will examine future Naval Force capability gaps, and the potential requirements for employment and testing of directed energy and electric weapons to fill those gaps. All systems/technologies listed above will be examined.
Envisioneering |
$1,953 |
For-Profit |
King George,
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Line 54, Page 296
Citation Excerpt: MDETEC
Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007