Description: Restoration of prior year earmark proposed for termination in the FY 2005 President's Budget for Sudden Oak Disease, Davis, CA; Ft. Detrick, MD. In addition, $198,400 was added in FY 2005 for expanded research. $99,200 for each location.
Agricultural Research Service |
$911 |
Ft. Detrick,
Appropriations Report Language - Conference
H.R. 108-792
User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: H. R. 108-792 CONTINUING PROGRAMS The conference agreement continues the fiscal year 2004 level of funding for all research projects proposed to be terminated in the President's budget as provided in House Report 108-584 and Senate Report 108-340 accompanying the fiscal year 2005 Agriculture Appropriations bills. Additional funding: SUDDEN OAK DISEASE (FT. DETRICK. MD/DAVIS, CA) $200,000 (reduced by rescission to $198,400). $99,200 for each location.