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Agency:    Department of the Interior
Bureau:    National Park Service
Account:    National recreation and preservation (14-1042)
Certifying Official:    Deputy Comptroller/Budget Officer
Contact Information:    http://WWW.DOI.GOV   202-208-6416
Cane River NHA

1 recipient will receive $887,000. This is a continuing earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: Cane River National Heritage Area was established to assist in the preservation and enhancement of the cultural landscape and traditions of the Cane River region and to complement Cane River Creole National Historical Park. Funding was provided to complete the design phase of regional signage and identity program and begin implementation, install interactive electronic exhibits, create a preservation plan for rehabilitation of the Texas and Pacific Railway Depot as an African American heritage museum, complete an oral history project entitled 'Elder Utterances: An African American Oral History Remembrance,' partner on the development of a comprehensive interpretation plan for Melrose Historic Site, and to complete the Development Concept Plan and Environmental Assessment for the joint NPS and heritage area visitor center
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Cane River NHA (32329539) $887 Commissions and Grants Other (National heritage area management entity)
P.O. Box 1201
Natchitoches, LA
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: H Rept. 108-792
Method: User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: Cane River NHA' 900,000

Citation Comment: Conference report amounts were reduced by congressional across-the-board rescissions.

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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