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Agency:    Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau:    Health Resources and Services Administration
Account:    Health resources and services (75-0350)
Certifying Official:    Director, Division of Financial Management, OAFM
Contact Information:    http://WWW.HHS.GOV   202-720-3210
Electronic Health Records for Fairview Health System

1 recipient will receive $511,000. This is a continuing earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Code: 5267
Description: Acquire and install an ambulatory electronic medical record application in Fairview's hospitals and clinics. Re-design and automate core care delivery processes and provide physicians with decision support tools at the point of care in the clinic setting. Proivde electronic access to the ambulatory record to physicians at the time of ED and hospital care and from any Internet access point. Provide patient information across the continuum of care throughout Fairview's regional care systems supporting same day, on demand appointments.
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Fairview Health System (068189611) $511 Telehealth For-Profit
323 Stinson Blvd, NE
Minneapolis, MN
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: P.L. 108-447, Report 108-792, Title II page 1134.
Method: User entered excerpt
Citation Excerpt: for equipment

Last Modified: 16-Apr-2007

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