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List of 2005 Earmarks

In fiscal year 2005, there were 14 earmarks totaling $255,300,000.

Agency:    Department of Defense--Military
Bureau:    Procurement
Account:    Aircraft procurement, Army
Certifying Official:    Deputy Comptroller Program/Budget
Certifying Organization:    OSD

To view information about the earmark, click on the earmark title.

2005 Earmarks Amount ($K)
AN/ARC 220 Airborne Communications$1,000
AN/ARS-6 Personnel Locator$2,200
AVIM Shop Set Plus Shelters$1,000
Additional AVR-2B$5,000
Additional Aircraft (4)$168,000
Additional Aircraft (6) ARNG$63,600
Army Airborne and Control System (A2C2S)$1,000
Cockpit Airbag System$1,200
Combat Search and Rescue Equipment for 1st BN 159th Army Reserve Regiment$3,400
Crashworthy External Fuel System for Blackhawk Helo$1,000
MEDVAC Thermal Imaging Upgrades$2,000
Modern Signal Processing Unit (Note: transferred from AP,A line 34)$1,900
Second Source Qualifications of CH-47 Components$2,500
Vibration Management Enhancement Program (VMEP) for AH-64$1,500

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